The package enables you to make your own social community of professionals. LinkedIn Clone Theme will give your network a look & feel just like the LinkedIN Network. Varous other plugins add up to the functionalities of your social network of professional networks.
This package lets you make your website looking like LinkedIn or we can say a clone of LinkedIn. The plugins included in this package provide amazing features to your website. With Multiple Listing Types Plugin - Job Type listing, you can allow your users to post or apply a job. Thus, this package is a complete solution if you're planning to create your own social network of professionals. Users can search people or professionals, post jobs & apply for jobs categorywise, create their company pages and can link job listings they create to their respective company pages. We are offering you a discount of $966 with this package, therefore you will be able to create your social network of professionals for in just $499.
Do you want to give your website a look like LinkedIn?
With our new "LinkedIn Clone Package", you'll get amazing plugins with astounding features, amazing user interface and all that’s required to make your SocialEngine based website looking like LinkedIn.

This package includes the following:-
- We are offering you a discount of $966, where the total cost of included Plugins is: $1465. You are thus being charged only $499 for this amazing package.
- This package contains all plugins that can make your website a social network for professionals like LinkedIn.
- If you're doing a fresh installation of SocialEngine?
This package enables you to get your online community up and sailing quickly. You can choose to have your website set up by us like our demo website:, with similar configuration settings and some sample data. You will thus have a good looking and nicely configured website from the begininng, and you will be able to tweak the settings to meet your requirements. (Note: This service will be done only if you are doing a fresh installation / setup of SocialEngine on your server.)
[NOTE: This Package does not include the price for the SocialEngine License Key, and it needs to be purchased separately.]
This section displays the actual price of all included plugins, services & subscriptions, and calculation of the discount offered to enable you to better visualize your tremendous savings with this package:
Plugin Name | Cost |
LinkedIn Clone Theme | $59.00 |
Advanced Events Plugin | $79.00 |
Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin | $59.00 |
Advanced Photo Albums Plugin | $49.00 |
Directory / Pages Plugin | $99.00 |
Directory / Pages - Multiple Listings and Products Showcase Extension | $19.00 |
Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin | $69.00 |
Advertisements, Community Ads & Marketing Campaigns Plugin | $99.00 |
FAQs, Knowledgebase, Tutorials & Help Center Plugin | $49.00 |
Advanced Search Plugin | $59.00 |
People you may know / Friend Suggestions & Inviter | $19.00 |
Administration Tool: Bulk Importing Users / Creating Dummy or Test Users Plugin | $69.00 |
Minify Plugin - Speed up your Website | $39.00 |
Advanced Share Plugin | $29.00 |
Advanced Comments Plugin - Nested Comments, Replies, Voting & Attachments | $39.00 |
Multiple Listing Types Plugin Core (Reviews & Ratings Plugin) | $119.00 |
Multiple Listing Types - Listing Type Creation Extension | $40.00 |
User Profiles - Cover Photo, Banner & Site Branding Plugin | $29.00 |
Bookmarks and Shortcuts Plugin | $19.00 |
Browser Push Notifications | $25.00 |
GDPR Compliance Plugin - Cookies, Consents, Privacy Policy and more | $56.00 |
News / RSS Importer and Aggregator Plugin | $89.00 |
Sticky / Fix Page Columns Widget & Attachments | $19.00 |
Advanced Members Plugin - Better Browse & Search, User Reviews, Ratings & Location | $39.00 |
Website Walk-through Plugin | $39.00 | Bulk Plugin Installation and Upgrade | $30.00 |
Actual Cost: $1465 Great Discount of: $966 Cost After Discount:$499 |
Plugins and extensions available with this package are mentioned below:
- LinkedIn Clone Theme
- Advanced Events Plugin
- Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin
- Advanced Photo Albums Plugin
- Directory / Pages Plugin
- Directory / Pages - Multiple Listings and Products Showcase Extension
- Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin
- Advertisements, Community Ads & Marketing Campaigns Plugin
- FAQs, Knowledgebase, Tutorials & Help Center Plugin
- Advanced Search Plugin
- People you may know / Friend Suggestions & Inviter
- Administration Tool: Bulk Importing Users / Creating Dummy or Test Users Plugin
- Minify Plugin - Speed up your Website
- Advanced Share Plugin
- Advanced Comments Plugin - Nested Comments, Replies, Voting & Attachments
- Multiple Listing Types Plugin Core (Reviews & Ratings Plugin)
- Multiple Listing Types - Listing Type Creation Extension
- User Profiles - Cover Photo, Banner & Site Branding Plugin
- Bookmarks and Shortcuts Plugin
- Browser Push Notifications
- GDPR Compliance Plugin - Cookies, Consents, Privacy Policy and more
- News / RSS Importer and Aggregator Plugin
- Sticky / Fix Page Columns Widget & Attachments
- Advanced Members Plugin - Better Browse & Search, User Reviews, Ratings & Location
- Website Walk-through Plugin
- Free! Member Profile Short & Custom URL Plugin
- Free! Email ID Verification Reminder Plugin
- Free! Member Avatars Plugin with Initials
- Free! Likes Plugin
- Free! Birthdays Plugin
1) Your SocialEngine License key
2) FTP information (Please get this from your hosting provider if you do not already have this.):
- Host
- Username
- Password
3) Database information (Please get this from your hosting provider if you do not already have this.):
- Host
- Username
- Password
4) Your site URL pointing to your server location.
5) Other desired site information:
- Community Title
- Admin Email
- Admin Password
This service is normally completed in 12 to 24 hours.