Events form essential part of most online communities as they connect your users both online and offline. This plugin enables your users to create and organise events for both online & offline activities. It contains engaging features & attractive user interfaces to make events browsing, display and related actions on your website engaging. Multiple admin configurations, custom fields, customizable pages, widgets and flexible features allow you to extend this plugin based on your site's requirements, and you can use it for various purposes like Conferences, Parties, Meetings, Shows, Classes, and many more.
Events form essential part of most online communities. They gather your users together for celebration, fun, sharing, etc. Events can be an important factor in the success of your community as they connect your users both online and offline.
This plugin enables your users to create and organize events for both online and offline activities. It contains engaging features and attractive user interfaces to make events browsing, display and related actions on your website engaging. Multiple admin configurations, custom fields, customizable pages, widgets and flexible features allow you to extend this plugin based on your site's requirements, and you can use it for various purposes like Conferences, Parties, Meetings, Shows, Classes, and many more.
Note: This standalone plugin enables you to have one-time, single occurrence events on your website having only 1 start date and end date. If you want to have Multiple Occurrences of events on your website, then please order the extension: "Advanced Events - Recurring / Repeating Events Extension" along with this plugin.
- Users will be able to create their own independent events as well as in the following plugins:
- Joining Event & RSVP: Members can join events and mark their RSVP as:
- Attending, or Maybe Attending, or Not Attending.
- New! Going, Interested and for leaving an event as Ignore.
- Event Guests Moderation: Event Owners can allow members to immediately join their Events or wait till approval. Event Owners can also:
- Track the number of guests who are attending, maybe, or not attending, and how many's reply is awaited.
- Download guests list.
- Message guests.
- Invite Guests: Event Owners can send invitations to site members, to contact lists / address books from various webmail services, social networking services, contact lists in CSV & TXT formats. [Importing contacts from external services is dependent on “Advanced Events - Inviter and Promotion Extension”.]
- Event Owners can also allow guests to invite their friends to events to make them more popular.
- Event Calendar: Shows events on your site in attractive Calendar on Events Home, My Events, etc pages. [Admin configurable]
- New! Add To My Calendar: Users can set reminders for events with ‘Add To My Calendar’ widget placed on event profile page. Events can be added to their: Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, iCal and Yahoo Calendar.
- Single occurrence or recurring events: Events can have single start / end dates, or can be recurring (recurring / repeated events require: "Advanced Events - Recurring / Repeating Events Extension").
- Event Host: Event Owners will be the default host of their events. They can also choose to add some other host for their events, which can be from any of the following: [Admin Configurable]
- Site Member, Page, Business, Store, Group
- Other Individual or Organization: Any non-site member / organization can be made host, with a host-profile create on the site. These hosts will have:
- Their own widgetized Host Profile pages.
- Bio / Description.
- Links to their Facebook, Twitter and website addresses.
- Multiple Admins for Events allow multiple users to manage an event. Thus, every event can have its team to configure it and keep the event updated. Event admins can also be shown on event profile.
- Widgetized Event Profile with drag-and-drop widgets, and admin controls enables you to choose and customize features for events on your site.
- Cover Photo for Event Profiles provides attractive interface. [Dependent on “Content Profiles - Cover Photo, Banner & Site Branding Plugin” - Free with this plugin, if you do not have it already.]
- 4 attractive displays for events: List View, Grid View, Map View and Pinboard View for Home and Browse pages. Attractive and modern Pinboard and Grid Layouts are very useful for better visual appearance of content.
- Categories, Sub-categories allow robust classification. 3rd-level categories can also be created for more detailed classification.
- Category pages for events are widgetized, Search Engine Optimized (SEO) and attractive, as the following can be added / customized for these:
- Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords
- Category Icon and Banner (image with title and optional URL)
- Category page URL
- Top and bottom content
- Event Diaries: Users can create their diaries and add events of their interest in various diaries. [Admin configurable] (Scroll below for more on Diaries)
- Good events browsing experience and powerful search & filtering ensure that users easily find results. Ajax based filtering of Events at various places: Based on upcoming events, past events, my events, start time, most popular and most recent events.
- Google Maps and Geocode API integration: Provide important Maps and Location related features for events.
- Location & Proximity based browsing and searching: If searching of events based on Locations is an important component of your site's idea, then you and your users are sure to love this feature. You can choose to display Events to users based on their current location. You can also choose the distance within which Events will be shown to users.
- Getting Directions to Events: Users can easily get directions to Event Locations by clicking on Location links at various places like search results, "Map" tab and Info Tooltips in activity feeds from "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin". The attractive Directions Lightbox has marker for Event location, and plotted directions on Map from user's current location. Slide-able instructions are also provided for directions. Users can change the starting location from which directions should be shown.
- Networks: Users can be shown events belonging only to their networks.
- Various Member Level Settings.
- Many widgetized pages which are attractive and highly configurable.
- Event Profile Types and Category Based Custom Fields: Custom Profile Types can be created for events, with each profile type having different fields. Association of event categories with event profile types enables you to have different custom fields for each category of events. Thus for example, you can have fields like 'NGO Name' for events of category 'Social', and fields like 'Things to get' for events of category 'Travel'. These custom fields can also be made searchable.
- Event Dashboard enables easy creation of events, and allows managing various components of an event.
- Keyword tags for events. A tag cloud widget provides easy filtering of events.
- New, Featured and Sponsored Events can be highlighted in many widgets at various places. [Admin configurable]
- Special Events widget: Multiple events can be chosen to be shown in this widget. [Admin configurable]
- Review of the Day widget enables one event review to be highly showcased for specific days. [Admin configurable]
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) URLs and structure: The HTML Meta Tags for Event Profile pages include useful keywords like Event Tags, categories, etc.
- Event Privacy can be chosen by their owners for viewing, commenting, posting photos, videos on event, appearing in search and discussions.
- Ratings and Reviews: Events can be rated and reviewed by users and editors after the respective events end. Reviews and ratings increase user engagement on the site. A robust and useful system is built for reviews and ratings. [Admin configurable]
- Editor Reviews: Provide users expert advice about events.
- Category based Rating Parameters and Review Fields can be configured.
- Yes / No Voting for Helpful Reviews: For all Reviews, users can choose whether they find them helpful or not.
...many more ratings and reviews related features as described in the section below.
- Photos and Videos for Events: Allow better showcase. Attractive Photos Slideshow on event profile pages, and Attractive Photo Viewer (Theater Mode) for photos provide great user experience.
- User profile integration: Events created by, joined by and hosted by users can be shown on their profile. Reviews posted by user as User / Editor are also shown.
- Activity Feeds Integration: Integration with homepage feeds, user profile feeds and event feeds. Feeds have been designed to have maximum impact. Additionally:
- Feeds are published for various actions like new event, joining event, updating RSVP, adding to diary, posting review, etc.
- Event guests can share updates, links, photos, videos and music in their posts on events, or post a discussion topic just like a forum post. Events are always accessible, so members can even share and post updates, photos, videos, etc after the event end.
- Users can receive on their homepage the activity feeds of events that they have liked.
- Seamless integration with "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin" for features like Feeds Filtering on homepage for events, feeds filtering on Event profile, Info Tooltips, etc.
- Event leaders can get email notifications and notification updates for various actions on their event like: new guests, new followers, new posts, etc.
- Events, Editor Reviews can be published or saved as draft.
- Many other useful features like Tell a friend, printing events, etc add value to this plugin.
- Statistics: Admin can see detailed statistics for events.
- Many useful admin configurations.
- Nested Comments: Users can comment as well as reply to comments on events and reviews.
- Integration with "Advanced Facebook Integration / Likes, Social Plugins and Open Graph": Enables Open Graph Implementation on your site. When pages of your events are liked with the Facebook Like Button or links are shared on Facebook, then rich feeds are published on Facebook and User Facebook Timelines.
- Integration with "Facebook Feed Stories Publisher": Allows users to share their actions like creating events on Facebook.
- Integration with "FAQs, Knowledgebase, Tutorials & Help Center Plugin": Enables you to provide helpful information about Events to users of your site. Comes pre-loaded with many FAQs of this plugin.
- Integration with "Email Templates Plugin": Enables attractive, branded and professional, events related emails to be sent from your site.
- Settings to easily replace singular / plural titles for 'Event' to something else like: 'Conference', 'Party', 'Meeting', 'Show', etc across the site.
- Members can join events and mark their RSVP and in the joined Events they will be able to:
- Mark their RSVP while joining and accepting invites from an Event as Attending, Maybe Attending or Not Attending. RSVPs can be updated later.
- Receive notifications when joined Events post their updates. (This is dependent on the "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin")
- Receive notifications when new guests joined.
- Receive notifications when existing guests change their RSVP.
- Receive notifications for content creation like Photos, Videos, etc in joined Events.
- Enable / disable these notifications
- View, comment and create various contents like Photos, Videos, etc.
- Invite their friends.
- Capacity can be defined for any event and once capacity reached, Waitlist option will be enabled for that event. i.e. if any event has defined capacity as 75 then, only 75 guests will be able to join the event, and after this interested members will have to apply under the waitlist for that event.
- Waitlist members can be managed by event owners from their event dashboard.
- Members can follow waitlist joined events through 'Waitlist' tab available on their ‘My Events’ page
- Event who reaches the capacity (defined by event owner) will be shown as ‘Event is Full’ and members need to apply for the waitlist of this event.

- Event owners can easily and intuitively configure various aspects of their events and manage them [Admin can choose to show fewer fields to enable quick creation of events]:
- Venue Name (Event Owners can also choose to run their events online.)
- Location
- Category
- Custom profile fields as configured by site admin.
- Tags (Keywords)
- Start Time & End Time
- Repeating details (Dependent on “Advanced Events - Recurring / Repeating Events Extension”)
- Short Description and Overview
- Price
- Host
- Privacy settings during event creation:
- View, comment, discussion topic, video and photo upload privacy.
- Whether the event should be searchable.
- Whether people must be invited to RSVP for the Event.
- Whether invited guests can invite other people to the event as well.
- Widgetized page, with multiple tabs, can be customized by admin using Layout Editor.
- This main Event profile page has contemporary layout.
- Updates: Enables users to keep track of updates and content posted in an event.
- "Event Photos Slideshow" widget showcases selected event photos and a video in an attractive slideshow. Event owners can choose photos and video to display in the slideshow.
- Guests: Displays guests who have joined the event. Filtering available on the basis of guest name and their RSVP.
- Occurrences: All the occurrences of a recurring / repeat event show up here. Options to Join, Leave, Update RSVP, Invite Guests, etc to particular occurrence are also shown. [This feature is dependent on “Advanced Events - Recurring / Repeating Events Extension”]
- Announcements: Event admins can post announcements for important news, advertisement, etc of their Events. Additionally for each announcement:
- Choose start and end date
- Activate / deactivate
- WYSIWYG Editor for Announcements
- Info: Information about an event like its description, tags, category, owner, location, etc. Admin created custom event profile fields also show up here.
- Comments feature.
- Overview: Event owners can create rich profiles for their events using WYSIWYG editor.
- Map: Available if event has location information, this shows the event on a map. Detailed location information is also shown.
- “Left / Right Column Map” widget displays the map with event location marker and event’s start and end date.
- Photos: Event's Photos.
- Videos: Videos added to an event.
- Discussions: Every Event has its own forum where discussion topics can be created and discussed. WYSIWYG editor is available for post topics and replies.
- Documents: Enables adding and showcasing documents of an event. Can be used for requirements like uploading road map to event venue, etc. [Dependent on “Advanced Events - Documents Extension”]
- Links: Links shared by users on the events are displayed here.
- Attractive Cover Photo and Information widget to enables event owners to choose a Cover Photo for their event. [Dependent on “Content Profiles - Cover Photo, Banner & Site Branding Plugin” - Free with this plugin, if you do not have it already.]
- Event Status widget to show current status of the event being viewed.
- “Host’s Information” widget displays information of the Host who is hosting the event being viewed.
- Write a Review button to enable guests to write review for the events they have attended. Guests will be able to review event once the event is ended.
- Sponsored and Featured labels: The main profile page of every sponsored and featured event contains a corresponding attractive label image. These labels are admin configurable.
- About Event: Event owners can write a main caption about their event.
- Action links for sharing, suggesting, tell a friend, printing, contacting the owner, etc. and Social Sharing Buttons for quick sharing on favorite social networks.
- Action Buttons to enable users to Sign In, Sign Up, Upload Photos and Upload Videos.
- Comment and Like: Users can like and comment on an event. They can also reply to comments. This is admin configurable.
- Information and Quick Information widgets to show custom fields as configured by site admin.
- Editor Review: Editorial review and ratings for the event.
- User Reviews: User reviews and ratings for the event.
- "About Editor" widget displays information of the Editor who has written the Editor Review for the event being viewed.
- Add to Diary: Events can be added to diaries. [Admin configurable]
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation and SEO.
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) structure.
- Multiple other widgets.
- Searching enabled over admin created custom fields
- Name / keyword based search
- Browse by Locations (Location & Proximity based browsing and searching) to find events around a location at a distance:
- Enables users to easily and quickly find the relevant Events around them.
- Filtering based on Event’s Venue
- User's current location is detected automatically to display results around that. Users can also change the location as per their choice.
- Events closest to the location appear first in search results sequence.
- Users can choose distance from location within which results should be returned in search.
- There is basic search and advanced search with more options.
- The "Locations" link for this feature's page can be enabled in the main Events Navigation Menu allowing members to easily search and browse Events by location, proximity and various searching options available.
- The search results are attractively shown on map.
- From search results, members can easily get directions to Events locations from their current location or a location of their choice.
- Filtering based on Event’s Start and End Dates
- Filtering based on friends' / everyone's events, Events I Like, Only My Networks
- Filtering based on tags / categories / sub-categories
- Filtering based on popular locations
- Filtering based on user reviews / editor reviews
- Alphabetic Filtering
- Ordering based on recent / views / start time / most joined / location: near to far / price / comments / likes / alphabetical / reviews / ratings
- Following fields related to reviews and ratings are available for searching and filtering:
- "Only Events with Reviews": Ability to Search over only events having reviews.
- "Most Reviewed" and "Most Rated": Ability to browse events based on number of reviews and overall ratings.
- Admin Search Form Settings: Choose which of the available search and filter fields should be shown in the form and what their sequence should be.
- Horizontal Search Events widget: It enables AJAX search over Event Titles, Locations, proximity search and Categories.
- Event archives for month-wise browsing.
- Contemporary, attractive and easy to navigate user interface.
- Labels for Featured, Sponsored and New Events.
- Icons with HTML title for event options like Location, Venue, Statistics, etc Event Profile page, Events Home, etc and in various widgets.
- User Interfaces with optimal use of AJAX, without sacrificing SEO. Our extensive AJAX implementation in this plugin for enhanced user experience has been done considering the fact that SEO is equally important for your site.
- Easy navigation enabling quick transition to users. Breadcrumb based navigation at many places also helps in SEO.
- 4 attractive displays for events: List View, Grid View, Map View and Pinboard View.
- Attractive layout structure for event profile pages.
- Attractive and useful Slideshows composed of an event video and photos for event profile pages.
- Users can create multiple diaries.
- Admin can enable / disable diaries functionality.
- You can use the diaries system as diaries, bookmarks, or saving events as favourites, etc.
- Engaging Activity Feeds are published when users add events to their diaries.
- Attractive Pinboard View for Diaries related pages.
- 2 widgetized pages: Browse Diaries, Diaries Profile.
- Users can also view their diaries on My Events page.
- Multiple widgets like: Friends' Diaries, Wishlists with Most Events, etc.
- Events can be easily added to diaries.
- Action Links & Social Sharing buttons for diaries and their events: Sharing, suggesting, tell-a-friend, printing, comparing, contacting the owner, sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Pin-it button, etc.
- This is the main page from where users start exploring Events.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.
- Attractive Layout options: Pinboard, Grid, List and Map.
- Categories Navigation bar.
- Categories, sub-categories and 3rd level categories shown in an attractive multi-level menu.
- Special Events widget. Admin can choose special events to be displayed for specific duration as configured.
- Event calendar widget displays calendar showing all the events on website and / events joined by the logged-in member as configured by admin.
- Popular Events Slideshow with controls. Admin configurable popularity criteria.
- AJAX based Events Carousel. Admin configurable Featured / Sponsored options to show in carousel.
- AJAX based main Events Home widget displays Recent / Most Reviewed / Most Popular / Featured / Sponsored events in AJAX based tabs.
- 3 display forms: List View, Grid View and Map View.
- Popular / Recent / Random events widget. Admin configurable popularity criteria.
- Top Reviewers.
- Sponsored, Featured and New events are specially marked.
- Ratings are shown for events. Admin can choose rating type.
- Add to Diary: Events can be added to diaries. [Admin configurable]
- Search form and filtering widget.
- Tag cloud showing popular tags.
- Other widgets can also be placed from Layout Editor as desired.
- Widgetized page: Can be completely customized by admin using Layout Editor. Widgets can be easily moved, added or removed.
- Categories Navigation bar.
- Categories, sub-categories and 3rd level categories shown in an attractive multi-level menu.
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation.
- 4 display forms: Pinboard View, List View, Grid View and Map View.
- Sponsored, Featured and New events are specially marked.
- Ratings are shown for events. Admin can choose rating type (Editor ratings, user ratings or both).
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) main Category pages with:
- Banner
- SEO friendly meta data
- Category specific content
- Add to Diary: Events can be added to diaries. [Admin configurable]
- Search form and filtering widget.
- Month-wise archives of events.
- Tag cloud showing popular tags.
- Other widgets can also be placed from Layout Editor as desired.
- You can choose to enable attractive Pinboard Layout for Events Home page.
- This contemporary layout is very visually appealing and engaging.
- Pinboard View can also be enabled for user Diaries on your site (Diaries Browse and Diaries Profile pages).
- On-the-spot commenting on events from the pinboard.
- Mouseover action links appear attractively on various pinned events.
- Shows Event Categories in an attractive grid format.
- Associated sub-categories and "Explore" on mouse-over on the grids.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.
- For each Category, a separate widgetized page is created displaying all the sub-categories in an attractive grid view. This is similar to the Categories Home page.
- Category page has a category banner, breadcrumb, meta tags information and category specific content.
- “Sponsored Categories" widget.
- Enables users to easily and intuitively configure the various components of their events and manage them.
- Ajax based quick loading of dashboard components.
- Edit Info, Profile Picture, Contact Details: For basic event information, custom fields and other respective information.
- Overview: Creating rich event overview using WYSIWYG editor. Also allows video embedding.
- Location: Accurately marking event location on map using drag-and-drop marker and verifying detailed location info.
- Photos: Managing event photos.
- Videos: Managing event videos.
- Meta Keywords: Meta keywords are a great way to provide search engines with information about the event so that search engines populate the event in search results. Event owners can add extra meta keywords to their events.
- Notifications Settings: Event leaders can get email notifications and notification updates for:
- New guests.
- When guests update their RSVP.
- When someone posts an update on their Event. (dependent on "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin".)
- When someone follows their event.
- When someone likes their event.
- When someone posts a photo on their event.
and more..
- Manage Leaders & Featured Admins: Add / Remove admins for the directory item / page, who will also be able to manage it. Featured admins are shown on page profile.
- Event Photos:
- Event owners can choose who all can add photos to their events.
- Owner can choose any photo from their event's album as the event profile photo.
- Event owners can choose photos from their events' photos to be showcased in the attractive Photos Slideshow on event profile page.
- Event Videos:
- Event owner can either add a new video to the event, or add a video from his existing videos.
- Event owners can choose a video from the event's videos to be showcased in the attractive Slideshow on event profile page.
- Admin can import Events from the following:
- This enables you to launch your community with already created events.
- Importing of events can be done anytime, even in a running site to create events in bulk.
- Rating parameters and Review fields based on event categories.
- Pros and cons.
- Members can mention if they would recommend the event to someone.
- Admin can choose to enable / disable reviews.
- Admin can choose who can review events (Member Level Settings).
- Editor Reviews are differentiated from user reviews in terms of better visibility on Event Profiles & other places, different color for rating stars, etc.
- Widgets like “Special Events”, "Popular Events Slideshow", "AJAX based Events Carousel", "Popular / Recent / Random Events", etc can be used for showcasing featured / sponsored / new events with appropriate setting.
- Featured, Sponsored and New events have "Featured" / "Sponsored" / "New" labels on their profiles, and are highlighted with attractive icons or labels in events.
- Markers of Sponsored Events can be shown on map with a bouncing animation.
- Ordering on "Browse Events" can be done such that featured / sponsored / new event are shown first.
- Site Admin can make / remove events as featured / sponsored / new.
- Nearly 100 useful widgets available.
- Widgets contain robust settings to customize them according to your requirements. Highly configurable widgets serve multiple purposes.
- Multiple widgetized pages available with this plugin.
- Choosing less fields in event creation for quicker event creation.
- Configure settings for the events:
- Singular / plural title
- Events singular / plural URL text
- Host Info:
- Can enable Event Owners to add hosts
- Can choose content types from which users will be able to choose or add entities as event hosts.
- Can choose information to be added about an Event Host.
- People must be invited to RSVP for this event Setting
- Invited guests can invite other people as well Setting
- Edit events category
- Price
- Overview for events
- Location
- Announcements
- Meta Tags / Keywords
- Contact detail options
- Expert tips content
- Choose the design for the tabs available on Event Profile page.
- Configure labels for Featured and Sponsored events.
- Admin can choose to set Pinboard layout for the events home.
- Enable and configure settings for:
- Search form for events.
- Multiple Event leaders
- Featured, Sponsored & New labels
- Browse by networks
- Default browsing sequence
- Category and Editor profile links
- Venue name
- Calendar & DateTime format
- Profile types and custom profile fields for events. Associating them with categories. Custom fields can be made searchable.
- Reviews and ratings for events. Rating parameters and review fields. Enable / disable pros & cons, "recommended", etc.
- Member Level Settings
- Configuring the various category properties like Meta titles, description & keyworks, icons, URL, banner, etc.
- Manage and moderate:
- Photos of events.
- Videos of events.
- Mark events as Featured, Sponsored, New.
- Editors, their badges, notifications, etc.
- Reviews and ratings for events.
- Diaries
- Layouts, widget locations and settings.
- Advertising Settings: Settings for the various Ad Blocks and widgets created because of seamless integration with "Advertisements / Community Ads Plugin".
and more...