This plugin is a complete E-commerce solution which enables creation of Stores and products sale online. It allows for creation of both Admin and User driven Stores. With social features woven around stores, you get a great Social Commerce setup. This plugin supports a wide variety of products including physical goods, virtual products like coupons, digital downloads and even configurable products. It also gives great Monetization opportunities.
This plugin is a complete E-commerce solution which enables you and your users to easily create Stores and start selling products online.
It allows for creation of both Admin-driven and User-driven Stores. With User-driven stores, you can have an active Marketplace in your community. With social features woven around stores, you get a great Social Commerce setup.
This plugin supports a wide variety of products including physical goods, virtual products like coupons, digital downloads and even configurable products. By charging users for creating stores and taking commissions for orders, it also gives you great Monetization opportunities.
- You can have either Admin-driven Stores (operated by you) in your community, or Multiple User-driven Stores (Marketplace with multiple Sellers).
- Store Packages: Admin can enable packages for Stores on site. If enabled, multiple packages can be created based on features that should be available to stores under them. Paid packages, with one-time or recurring fees for operating stores on your website can also be created. (Scroll below for more on packages.)
- Order Commissions: Fixed or Percentage based commissions can be configured and charged for orders from stores based on their packages.
- Popular Payment Methods supported: PayPal, 2Checkout, Stripe, Mollie (integration with SocialEngine's payment system) and By Cheque.
- New!! "MONEY ORDER"- Another Payment method added to make payment more easy for the buyers on your site. Payment can be tracked using the tracking ID added by the buyer and hence approved.
- Tracking Number for shipping can be entered by store admins in the shipping details of orders. This is very helpful for buyers to keep track of their orders.
- Stock availability of products is shown by "In Stock" and "Out of Stock" markers at various places.
- 6 Product Types: Support for multiple product types enables selling a variety of products (shippable, downloadable, configurable, virtual, gift cards, etc.) on your website. This also allows creation of product groups and kits to increase sales on your website. (Scroll below for more on product types.)
- Showcasing Products:
- Photos and Videos for Products: Allow better showcase. Attractive Photos & Video Slideshow on product profile pages, and Attractive Photo Viewer (Theater Mode) for photos provide great user experience.
- Zooming Product Images: High resolution versions of product images are shown when the cursor is rolled over product images on main product pages and in quick view. Enables users to see detailed and magnified product views.
- Ratings and Reviews of Products: Products can be rated and reviewed by users and editors. Reviews and ratings increase user engagement on the site and help buyers in making buying decisions. A robust and useful system is built for reviews and ratings. [Admin configurable]:
- Editor Reviews: Provide users expert advice about products.
- Category based Rating Parameters and Review Fields can be configured.
- Yes / No Voting for Helpful Reviews: For all Reviews, users can choose whether they find them helpful or not.
- Products can also be compared on their Ratings and Reviews.
- Effective searching and filtering for Reviews on products.
- Reviews and Ratings for Stores.
- Discounts: Discounts on products are attractively shown on product profile pages and at various product listings and widgets. Discount properties:
- Type: Percentage or fixed.
- Value
- Duration: Discounts can be for fixed duration or forever.
- Availability: Discounts can be given to Everyone / All Registered Members / Public (non-members)
- Shipping Locations: Site Admin can configure locations where sellers will be able to sell products and from where buyers will be able to buy products from the site.
- 4 attractive displays for Stores and Products: Grid View, Pinboard View, List View and Map View for Home and Browse pages of stores and products provide excellent user experience.
- Pinboard and Grid Layouts: These attractive and modern layouts are very useful for better visual appearance of content.
- Widgetized Store Profile with drag-and-drop widgets, and admin controls enables you to choose and customize features for stores on your site.
- Good browsing experience and powerful search & filtering ensure that users easily find results. (Scroll below for more on this.)
- Categories, sub-categories and 3rd-level categories (if required) for stores and products. Many well designed widgets available for these.
- Category based custom fields for stores and products.
- Category pages for Products: Attractive, widgetized and search-engine optimized. Following can be added for each category:
- Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords
- Category Icon
- Category Banner (image with title and optional URL)
- Category page URL
- Top and bottom content
- Featured and Sponsored Stores and Products: Stores and products can be marked as featured and sponsored; they then appear highlighted at many places. Slideshow and carousel widgets for featured and sponsored stores and products.
- Cover Photo for Store profiles provides attractive interface.
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) URLs and structure.
- Statistics: Admin can see detailed statistics for stores, products and orders.
- Activity Feeds integration: Integration with homepage feeds, user profile feeds and store feeds. Feeds have been designed to have maximum impact. Additionally:
- Feeds are published for various actions like new stores, new products, adding to wishlist, posting review, etc.
- Users can receive on their homepage the activity feeds of Stores that they have liked.
- Activity feeds for stores can be generated with Store Photo and Title instead of photo and name of the Store Admin. (dependent on the "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin")
- Seamless integration with "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin" for features like Feeds Filtering on homepage (for Stores and Products), feeds filtering on Store profile, Info Tooltips, etc.
- Integration with "Advanced Facebook Integration / Likes, Social Plugins and Open Graph": Enables Open Graph Implementation on your site. When pages of your stores are liked with the Facebook Like Button or links are shared on Facebook, then rich feeds are published on Facebook and User Facebook Timelines.
- Integration with "Facebook Feed Stories Publisher": Allows users to share their actions like creating stores, products, etc on Facebook.
- Integration with "FAQs, Knowledgebase, Tutorials & Help Center Plugin": Enables you to provide helpful information about Stores and Marketplace to users of your site. Comes pre-loaded with many FAQs of this plugin.
- Integration with "Email Templates Plugin": Enables attractive, branded and professional, Marketplace related emails to be sent from your site.
- Networks: Users can be shown stores and products belonging only to their networks.
- Settings to easily replace singular / plural titles for 'Store' to something else like 'Shop', etc across the site.
- Quick Add to Cart: AJAX based button enables users to easily add products to their shopping cart from various pages and widgets.
- My Cart: Easily managed online shopping cart. Products from various stores that are added to cart are nicely shown here. Users can update their cart, continue shopping, or proceed to checkout.
- Cart Drop-down: Attractive drop-down tooltip in the header enables quick checkout.
- Anonymous Checkout: Both logged-in users and non-logged-in visitors can place orders. Good for getting more orders on your website. [Admin configurable]
- Checkout Process:
- Smooth multi-step checkout
- Enables users to order products from multiple stores in a single checkout.
- Total payable amount for order is calculated by including product prices, adjusting discounts, shipping & handling charges and applicable taxes.
- Checkout has following steps: "Logging-in or checkout as guest", "Entering Billing and Shipping Addresses", "Choosing Shipping Methods", "Choosing & Entering Payment Information" and "Reviewing Order".
- Wishlists: Users can create multiple wishlists and add desired products to them. This feature is very useful for good sales on your website as it allows users organize and bookmark those products which they like on your website and are likely to buy. (Scroll below for more on wishlists.)
- Comparing Products: Various products can be compared over their attributes / fields, and on their ratings & reviews. Enables users to make good buying decisions and increases customer satisfaction on your website. (Scroll below for more on products comparison.)
- Following Stores:
- Store Admins will get a notification when members "Follow" their Stores.
- Members get notifications when Store Admins update status, add new products and add various contents like Photos, Videos, Offers, etc. to the Stores that they are Following. (Notification for status update is dependent on the "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin").
- "Most Followed Stores" widget.
- Quick View: In product listings and widgets, "Quick View" icon overlays on-mouseover on the product images. Enables users to quickly view product information on-the-spot and add them to their carts without going to each product’s profile page. This leads to great user experience, increased cart additions on your stores and increased sales!
- My Store Account: Users can view and manage the following:
- My Wishlists
- My Orders:
- View orders and their statuses
- Re-order any order: Using this functionality users can directly re-order any of their previous orders, without having to add same products into their carts again.
- View shipment details
- View payment status: Users can try to make payment again in case of payment failure.
- Print Invoice
- My Downloadable Products: Users can download their downloadable products purchased from your site. Users can also view number of downloads done and number of remaining downloads.
- My Stores: Users can view a list of their Stores on the site's Marketplace.
- Stores I Admin: Stores administered by the user.
- Stores I Like: Stores Liked by the user.
- My Addresses: Users can configure their Billing and Shipping addresses. These addresses will be shown during their Checkout Processes.
- "Open a New Store" link.
- Store Creation: Store creation in Marketplace is quick and easy.
- Opening a Store
- Attractive Launch Page and Help Pages inspire users / businesses to open their stores in your Marketplace. Widgetized "Open a Store" pages provide pictorial presentation about Stores in your community. The 4 widgetized pages give sellers detailed idea about working of stores. [Admin configurable]
- Multi-step, easy store creation process enables users / businesses to create robust stores.
- Steps include:
- Choose a Store Package
- Configure your Store: Enter title, description, tags, category, photo, privacy, etc.
- Manage Store (via Store Dashboard)
- There can be multiple Store Admins.
- Stores can be published in the Marketplace, or Saved as Draft to be configured later.
- Admin can choose Member Levels who can create stores.
- Store Dashboard enables easy configuration of stores, allows managing their various components, see orders and sales reports, manage products, marketing tools for store, etc. (Scroll below for more on store dashboard.)
- Manage Orders: Store Admins can manage their orders by performing the following actions for each order:
- View order details
- Write a comment for the order and choose to notify buyer.
- Enter Shipment Details
- Print Packing Slip
- Print Invoice
- Change Order Status
- View Commission paid on the order
- Cancel Order
- Manage Products: Store Admins can perform the following to manage their products:
- Create, View, Edit and Delete Products
- Publish Product (if Saved as Draft)
- Make product "Highlighted" in Store (highlighted products can be specifically filtered on store pages)
- Product Dashboard enables easy creation of products, and allows managing various components of a product. (Scroll below for more on product dashboard.)
- Taxes: Store Admins can configure taxes (percentage / fixed) based on order billing or shipping locations. For each tax, the tax percentage / amount for various locations can be configured. Site Admin can also create taxes which will apply to all orders on the site.
- Shipping Methods: Store Admins can configure shipping methods for their stores. Shipping charges can be configured based on Order Cost, Total Weight of order and Quantity of products in an order.
- Stock Inventory: Store owners can maintain inventory of each product in their stores. Each product:
- Can have unlimited / limited quantity in stock.
- Can have a Minimum Order Quantity (minimum quantity of product that should be ordered in an order)
- Can have a Maximum Order Quantity (maximum quantity of product that can be ordered in an order)
- Can be shown at various places even if it goes Out of Stock. Store admins can choose to allow buyers to contact them if their product goes out of stock.
- Count of stock remaining can be shown in Quick View or on main product page.
- Sales Reports: Store Admins can view performance reports of sales from their stores over multiple durations and time intervals.
- Products End Date / Expiry: Products can be made to expire after a fixed duration (chosen by admin or owner), or have no expiry period. Expired products are not available to users for buying. Product Expiry Date and Time Left till expiry will be shown at various places like Products Home page, Products Profile page, etc.
- Multiple Admins for Stores allow multiple users to manage a store. Thus, every store can have its team to configure it, create products, manage orders and keep the store updated. Store admins can also be shown on store profile.
- Site Admins can enable store owners to customize block positions, add new available blocks, create and add HTML blocks on their store's profile via a drag-and-drop interfaced layout editor. Available blocks are the many widgets provided in this plugin.
- Linking Stores: Store Admins can link other Stores to their Store. The "Linked Stores" widget on Store Profile shows Stores related to that Store.
- Notifications: Store admins can get email notifications and notification updates for:
- New orders
- When someone posts an update on their Store. (dependent on "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin".)
- When someone follows their store.
- When someone likes their store.
- When someone posts a photo on their Store.
- Package system can be enabled / disabled any time. If enabled, multiple packages can be created with varying features.
- Flexible configurations.
- Product Types (grouped, virtual, downloadable, etc.) that can be sold by stores can be made package dependent, such that stores of higher paid packages can sell more types of products.
- Free & Paid packages: You can charge store owners one-time or recurring fees to operate their store on your website. Different packages can have different fees. Payments via Paypal or 2Checkout for paid stores (integration with SocialEngine's payment system).
- Expiry time-limit can be set for stores of a package. Stores of paid packages can be renewed after expiry.
- Stores of selected packages can be automatically approved, sponsored and featured based on their setting.
- Store Properties like below can individually be made dependent on packages:
- Product Types
- Maximum Number of Products that can be created in package's stores.
- Maximum File Size of Downloadable Products
- Commission Type (fixed / percentage) and Value: to be paid to your website for orders.
- Payment Withdrawal Threshold Amount
- Store Fee
- Store Features like below can individually be made dependent on packages:
- Tell a friend
- Rich Overview
- Contact Details
- Send an Update
- Member Levels: For each package, admin can choose the Member Levels to which it should be available.
- Features like photos, videos, external badges, form, inviter, offers, etc can individually also be made package dependent.
- Even custom Profile Fields can be made package dependent such that higher priced packages can provide more fields and a detailed profile to stores.
- Store owners can change / upgrade the package for their store from dashboard.
- 6 Diverse Product Types supported, which covers all possible types of products for online sale.
- Package Dependency: Product Types that can be sold by stores can be made package dependent, such that stores of higher paid packages can sell more types of products.
- Simple Products
: These are physical items that can be sold individually and have their own SKUs. Simple products can be used in association with Grouped, Bundled, and Configurable Products.
- Configurable Products
: These are simple products with variety of options to be selected from drop-down lists (size, color, etc.). Each combination of drop-down options represents a separate simple product with a distinct SKU which enables store admins to maintain their inventory.
- Virtual Products
: These do not have any physical existence, and only represent something that can be sold, such as a warranty, a service, subscription, coupon, gift card, etc. Virtual products can be associated with Grouped and Bundled products.
- Grouped Products
: This type allows store admins to create a new product using one or more existing products in their stores. Store admins can choose different variations of a product to be part of a Grouped Product. Price of a Grouped Product is summation of its component products.
- Bundled Products
: These are also known as Product Kits. Price of a Bundled Product can be made less than the combined price of its component products.
- Downloadable Products
: Downloadable products are similar to virtual products, but they include one or more digital files for download.
- Users can create multiple wishlists. Each wishlist can have products from different stores
- Admin can enable / disable wishlists functionality.
- Wishlists can be Followed and / or Liked.
- Owners get notifications when members Follow their wishlist.
- Follow Wishlist: Members get notifications when new products are added to the wishlists that they are Following.
- Engaging Activity Feeds are published when users add products to their wishlists.
- Attractive Pinboard View for Wishlists related pages. Enables easy Following and Liking of wishlists.
- 2 widgetized pages: Browse Wishlists, Wishlist Profile.
- Multiple widgets like: Friends' Wishlists, Most Followed Wishlists, Wishlists with Most Products, etc.
- Products can be easily added to wishlists.
- Action Links & Social Sharing buttons for wishlists and their products: Sharing, suggesting, tell-a-friend, printing, comparing, contacting the owner, sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Pin-it button, etc.
- Products can be compared based on [Admin configurable]:
- Custom Fields
- Editor Ratings (on various parameters)
- User Ratings (on various parameters)
- Statistics (likes, views, etc)
- Information like Price, Tags, etc.
- Description
- Multiple products from various stores can be easily selected for comparison.
- Attractive floating bar at the bottom of browser window shows products selected for comparison.
- Admin can enable / disable comparison of products and choose category levels for comparison.
- Widgetized and attractive Products Comparison page.
- Users can remove products from comparison chart.
- Products can be added to wishlist from comparison page.
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation on product comparison page.
- For Products
- Products can be searched based on price range.
- Products can be searched over different discount ranges.
- Out of Stock products can be excluded from search results.
- Searching enabled over admin created custom fields for Products.
- Name / keyword based search
- Filtering based on Friends’ / everyone’s products, "Products I Like", Featured Products
- Filtering based on tags / categories / sub-categories / 3rd level categories
- Filtering based on user reviews / editor reviews
- Ordering based on price / discount / recent / views / comments / likes / alphabetical / reviews / ratings
- For Stores
- Filtering based on closed / open status, friends' / everyone's stores, "Stores I Like", Featured Stores
- Filtering based on tags / categories / sub-categories / 3rd level categories
- Filtering to show stores with only: Offers, Hot Offers, Featured Offers.
- Alphabetic Filtering
- Ordering based on recent / views / comments / likes / alphabetical / reviews / ratings
- Searching enabled over admin created custom fields for Stores and Products.
- Admin Search Form Settings: Choose which of the available search and filter fields should be shown in the forms and what their sequence should be.
- AJAX Search widget: Enables AJAX search over Store Titles and Product Titles. Search interface is similar to Facebook's search.
- Stores and Products archives for month-wise browsing.
- Contemporary and modern user interface.
- User Interfaces with optimal use of AJAX, without sacrificing SEO. Our extensive AJAX implementation in this plugin for enhanced user experience has been done considering the fact that SEO is equally important for your site.
- Easy navigation enabling quick transition to users. Breadcrumb based navigation at many places also helps in SEO.
- Attractive Pinboard Layout can be enabled for Stores Home, Browse Stores, Products Home, Browse Wishlists and Wishlists Profile pages.
- This contemporary layout is very visually appealing and engaging.
- On-the-spot "Add to cart" from the pinboards.
- Mouse-over action links appear attractively on various Stores and Products.
- Enables users to easily and intuitively configure various components of their stores and manage them.
- Ajax based quick loading of components at most dashboard pages.
- Dashboard sections available based on features accessible to stores from their packages.
- Get Started: Tells users about most of their store's components.
- Edit Info, Profile Info, Profile Picture, Contact Details: For basic store info and other respective information.
- Overview: Creating rich store overview using WYSIWYG editor. Also allows video embedding.
- Manage Orders: Manage & search all orders placed on the store by changing order status, printing order invoice, entering shipment details, etc.
- Manage Products: Create and manage store's products. Products can also be made highlighted.
- Shipping Methods: Create and manage shipping methods.
- Taxes
- Payment Account: Paypal Account information of store owner in which Site Admin will transfer the earnings / payment.
- Payment Requests: View, manage and make payment requests to Site Admin.
- Transactions: View transactions for payments made by Site Admin to the store.
- Product Sales Statistics: Sales Figures (Today, This Week, This Month), Recent Orders, Store Statistics (overall sales till date, commissions, taxes, etc.) and Store Orders statistics are shown.
- Sales Graph Statistics: Graphical statistics of the sales made by the store can be viewed over different durations and time scales in both cumulative and incremental form.
- Sales reports: View performance report of sales from the store. Report can be viewed over multiple durations and time intervals.
- Manage Admins & Featured Admins: Add / Remove admins for the store, who will also be able to manage it. Featured admins are shown on store profile.
- Marketing: Multiple tools like below for increasing popularity of stores. These features also increase popularity of your site, thus increasing traffic and revenue:
- Invite & Promote
- Send an Update to those who like the store
- Embeddable badges of store for promoting store on external websites, blogs, etc.
- Linking Store to Facebook to publish store's updates on its Facebook Page (requires "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin").
- Apps: Nicely designed section showing to store owners the links for creating & managing content and other entities from the extensions like: photos, videos, form, inviter, offers, etc.
- Packages: Enables store admins to change their store's package if packages are enabled.
- Manage Notifications: Enables store admins to manage notifications (email notifications and notification updates) that they receive for selected activities on their store (like: new orders, someone follows store, someone posts photo on store, comments, someone posts an update on store, etc.)
- Edit Style: Styling store using CSS properties like background image, color, font type, etc.
- Edit Layout: Customize widget positions, add new available widgets, create and add HTML blocks on store's profile via a drag-and-drop interfaced layout editor.
- Enables users to easily and intuitively configure the various aspects of their products and manage them:
- Ajax based quick loading of dashboard components.
- Edit Info: For basic product info (title, description, category, weight, etc.), custom fields, price & discounts, inventory stock, etc. and also other respective information depending on product type.
- Profile Picture: For main product picture.
- Overview: Creating rich product overview using WYSIWYG editor. Also allows video embedding.
- Photos: Adding and managing multiple product photos:
- High resolution photos can be uploaded
- For each photo, these can be chosen: "Show in Slideshow", "Make Main Photo", "Make Video Snapshot".
- Product owners can choose who all can add photos to the product.
- Selected photos can be showcased in an attractive Slideshow on product profile page.
- Videos: Adding and managing product videos. One of the product's videos can be chosen to be showcased in the attractive Slideshow on product profile page.
- Meta Keywords: Meta keywords are a great way to provide search engines with information about the product so that search engines populate the product in search results. Product owners can add extra relevant meta keywords for their products.
- Edit Style: Styling product page using CSS properties like background image, color, font type, etc.
- Widgetized page with drag-and-drop widgets and tabs; can be customized by admin using Layout Editor to choose features.
- Site Admins can enable store owners to customize block positions, add new available blocks, create and add HTML blocks via a drag-and-drop interfaced layout editor. Available blocks are the many widgets provided in this plugin.
- Updates: Enables users to keep track of updates and content posted in a store. Features like Feeds Filtering, Info Tooltips, etc can be provided in this with: "Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin".
- Info: Store info like description, tags, category, contact details, etc. Admin created custom category based store fields also show up here.
- Store Products
- Rich Overview
- Follow Button: Enables users to Follow stores of their interest.
- Tabs for various apps like Photos, Videos, Offers, Reviews and Form.
- Ratings widget: Shows average overall rating and average rating for the various parameters.
- Attractive Sponsored and Featured labels [Admhn conFigurable].
- Action links for sharing, suggesting, tell a friend, printing, contacting the owner, social sharing buttons, etc.
- You May Also Like widget shows to users similar stores as the current one, which might interest them.
- Multiple other widgets.
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) structure.
- Contemporary layout nicely shows various product details to users like multiple product images, stock availability, discount, "Add to Cart" button, attributes, etc.
- Widgetized page, with multiple tabs, can be customized by admin using Layout Editor.
- Editor Review: Editorial review and ratings for the product.
- User Reviews: User reviews and ratings for the product.
- Info: Product info like description, tags, category, store, etc. Admin created custom category based product fields also show up here.
- Attractive Slideshow showcases selected product photos and a video.
- Product's Photos
- Product's Videos
- Rich Overview
- Specifications and Quick Specifications widgets to show custom fields as configured by site admin.
- Updates: Enables users to keep track of updates and content (videos, photos, etc.) posted in a product.
- About Product: A Caption about the product can be added.
- Attractive Sponsored and Featured labels [Admin configurable].
- Action links for sharing, suggesting, tell a friend, printing, contacting the owner, social sharing buttons, etc.
- "Best Alternatives" widget shows similar products as the one being viewed, which might interest the viewer. Editors can choose best alternative products for a product, or they will be logically shown.
- Compare: Products can be selected for comparison.
- Add to Wishlist: Products can be added to wishlists.
- Breadcrumb for easy navigation and SEO.
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) structure.

- Main page from where users start exploring Stores.
- Attractive Layout options: Pinboard, Grid and List.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.

- Enables users to browse through stores and find desired stores.
- Attractive Layout options: Grid, Pinboard and List. Users can switch between layouts.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.
- Search form and filtering widget.
- Tag cloud showing popular tags.
- Other widgets can also be placed from Layout Editor as desired.

- Main page from where users start exploring Products.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.
- Attractive Layout options: Grid and List.
- Multiple useful widgets can be placed on this page like: "Product Categories Navigation", "Sponsored Products Carousel", "Featured Products Slideshow", "Tabbed Widget showing: New Arrivals, Most Reviewed, Top Selling, etc.", and more.
- On-the-spot "Add to cart".
- Quick View
- "New" indicators for New Arrivals.
- Popular Products Slideshow with controls. Admin configurable popularity criteria.
- Compare: Products can be easily selected for comparison.
- Add to Wishlist
- Search form and filtering widget.

- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor. Multiple widgets can be placed.
- Attractive Layout options: Grid and List.
- Categories Navigation bar.
- Quick Search Bar and Advanced Search widget.
- On-the-spot "Add to cart".
- Quick View
- Search Engine Optimized (SEO) main Category pages with:
- Banner
- SEO friendly meta data
- Category specific content
- Compare, Add to Wishlist

- Shows Product Categories in an attractive grid format.
- Associated sub-categories and "Shop Now" on mouse-over on the grids.
- Widgetized and customize-able by admin using Layout Editor.
- For each Category, a separate widgetized page is created displaying all the sub-categories in an attractive grid view. This is similar to the Categories Home page.
- Category page has a category banner, breadcrumb, meta tags information and category specific content.
- Rating parameters based on store categories.
- Pros and cons.
- Members can mention if they would recommend the store to someone.
- Admin can choose to enable / disable reviews.
- Rating parameters and Review fields based on store categories.
- Pros and Cons
- Admin can choose who can review products (Member Level Settings).
- Editor Reviews are differentiated from user reviews in terms of better visibility on Product Profiles & other places, different color for rating stars, etc.
- Members can mention if they would Recommend the Product to someone.
- Nearly 100 useful widgets available.
- Widgets contain robust settings to customize them according to your requirements. Highly configurable widgets serve multiple purposes.
- Multiple widgetized pages available with this plugin.
- Choose the setup type: Admin Stores or Marketplace.
- Enable, create and manage store packages.
- Enable and Configure the following e-commerce aspects:
- Payment status for stores activation
- Payment methods
- Product categories and sub-categories for stores.
- Product categories, sub-categories and 3rd-level categories for products.
- Sequencing of categories and sub-categories of stores and products can be managed by drag-and-drop.
- Shipping locations
- View, create and manage taxes.
- Sales graph settings for store owners.
- Manage the following e-commerce aspects:
- View, manage and moderate stores, with extensive options to change store category, owner, edit a store, etc.
- View, manage and moderate products, with extensive options to delete, approve, changing owner, etc.
- View, manage and moderate orders placed on the site.
- Approve payments made by cheque.
- Manage and approve payment requests made by store owners.
- View sales reports and statistics.
- View and manage transactions for paid stores, orders placed on site and payments made to sellers.
- Contact sellers / store owners.
- Enable and configure settings for:
- Search form for stores and products.
- Multiple Store admins
- Featured & sponsored labels
- Browse by networks
- Default browsing sequence
- Store layout editing by owners
- Profile types and custom profile fields for stores and products. Associating them with categories. Custom fields can be made searchable.
- Reviews and ratings for stores and products. Rating parameters and review fields. Enable / disable pros & cons, "recommended", etc.
- Comparison settings. Enable / disable for comparison: custom fields, description, statistics, editor ratings, user ratings, etc.
- Enable / disable comparison of products for selected category levels.
- Store start-up / FAQ pages.
- Member Level Settings
- Configuring the various category properties like Meta titles, description & keyworks, icons, URL, banner, etc.
- Manage and moderate:
- Photos of stores and products.
- Videos of stores and products.
- Offers of stores.
- Mark stores and products as Featured, Sponsored, New, Store of the Day and Product of the Day.
- Editors, their badges, notifications, etc.
- Reviews and ratings for stores and products.
- Wishlists
- Layouts, widget locations and settings.
- Manage embeddable badge / likebox settings.
and more...
- Apart from SocialEngine payment gateways, now you can also integrate below payment gateways for your site stores:
[Note: Integration of these payment gateways is dependent on Advanced Payment Gateways / Stripe Connect Plugin.] - You can enable different payment gateways for your site stores with respect to different payment methods: Split Immediately, Escrow and Normal.
- Escrow payment method of MangoPay payment gateway:
The configuration of MangoPay payment gateway is very simple. You can refer below video for detailed steps to configure Escrow payment method of MangoPay payment gateway for ‘Stores / Marketplace - Ecommerce Plugin’.
The "Stores / Marketplace - Ecommerce Plugin" provides you a huge opportunity to monetize your online community. Even if you do not have products to directly sell to your users, your users can trade stuff within your community. You can invite vendors and businesses related to your website's domain to join your website and showcase & sell stuff to your website's user-base; Setting up a store on your website will give them ready audience of potential buyers.
To give you ideas on how this plugin can be used, we have listed below just some of the innumerable use cases of this plugin:
1) Website: A Social Network for Cyclists
Purpose: People selling their old cycles, vendors selling cycling gears and accessories.
2) Website: A Food Community or a Hyperlocal Community
Purpose: Restaurants and businesses can sell their Gift Cards (virtual products) to the users.
3) Website: An online Music community
Purpose: Amateur Musicians can sell their work (digital products). For each product, they can also upload short duration teasers.
4) Website: A Fitness related community
Purpose: Vendors can sell nutrition supplements & food guides, Gyms can sell their membership packages.
5) Website: A College Network
Purpose: Students can sell old books and notes.
Apart from the above specific cases, generalized Marketplace selling multiple product types can also be created. Possibilities are limitless!
If you have an e-commerce idea for your community and would like to discuss with us about how this plugin could be useful, then please contact us from here: