
Directory / Businesses - Multiple Listings and Products Showcase Extension
Category: E-Commerce, Business,

Multiple Listings and Products Showcase Extension for Directory / Businesses Plugin enables Business Owners to link / add / associate related Listings, Pages & Groups to their Businesses. Such listings will be displayed on the Business profiles, thus making the Businesses more informative and useful. This extension gives you a wide array of possibilities to extend Businesses on your website. The ability to show their various listings, offerings, etc on their Businesses will also motivate users to create more listings on your website, and keep their Businesses updated.  

Price: $19
 + $10
Plugin + Installation
Price: $19

After the overwhelming response we've received for "Directory / Businesses Plugin", "Directory / Pages Plugin", "Groups / Communities Plugin", and "Multiple Listing Types Plugin - Listings, Blogs, Products, Classifieds, Reviews & Ratings, Pinboard, Wishlists, etc All In One", we have moved one step ahead with this extension, as it integrates these 4!

This is a great tool which enables Business Admins to add / link / associate related Listings, Pages & Groups to their Directory Items / Businesses. Such listings / pages / groups will be displayed on the Business profiles, thus making the Businesses more informative and useful.

This extension gives you a wide array of possibilities to extend Directory Items / Businesses on your website. The ability to show their various listings, pages, products, offerings, groups, etc on their Directory Items / Businesses will also motivate users to create more listings / pages / groups on your website, and keep their Businesses updated.

Note: This extension of "Directory / Businesses Plugin" also requires atleast one of these: 1) Multiple Listing Types Plugin - Listings, Blogs, Products, Classifieds, Reviews & Ratings, Pinboard, Wishlists, etc All In One, 2) Reviews and Ratings Plugin, 3) Directory / Pages Plugin, 4) Groups / Communities Plugin

  • Adding Listings, Pages and Groups to Businesses: Business Admins can add / link / associate related Listings, Pages & Groups to their Directory Items / Businesses. These listings, Pages & Groups can be created using the following plugins:
  • Example use case: Business Owners can add their Listings created for Food, Room Packages, Services Offered, etc to their Hotel's Page.
  • Another example use case by integrating both "Multiple Listing Types Plugin" & "Directory / Businesses Plugin" with "Directory / Businesses Plugin": Businesses can be used as Brands, Listings as Products made by those Brands and Businesses as Stores dealing in particular Brands.
  • Availability of Listings, Pages & Groups to be added to Businesses can be made dependent on Business Packages and Member Levels. Thus, you can configure this extension such that only Businesses belonging to certain Packages (example: paid packages), or Businesses administered by members of certain Member Levels (example: priviledged members) will be able to have associated listings / pages / groups.
  • Listings, Pages & Groups added by Business Admins will be displayed in their respective separate tabs on Business Profile, with a tab each for the different Listing Types, for Pages and for Groups.
  • Links for adding Listings, Pages & Groups to Directory Items / Businesses are available in the Get Started and Apps sections of Business Dashboards.
  • Widget to show all the Directory Items / Businesses to which a Listing / Page / Group has been added / associated. This is a widget for the Listing, Page & Group Profiles.
  • Site Admin can choose which Listings / Pages / Groups could be added / associated with Businesses at any time. These can be: The ones owned by the Business Admin who is adding, or the ones owned by all the Business Admins, or All the Listings / Pages / Groups on the site.
  • Business Profile Listings / Pages / Groups: Displays listings, pages or groups added / associated to the Business. This widget can be placed multiple times on Business Profile, and for each widget placement, the respective Listing Type to be shown can be chosen.
  • Listing / Page / Group Profile Linked Businesses: Displays all the Businesses to which the Listing / Page / Group has been added / associated.

Amongst the numerous integration possibilities with this extension, we are describing 3 example integration use cases below for integration of "Directory / Businesses Plugin" with "Multiple Listing Types Plugin - Listings, Blogs, Products, Classifieds, Reviews & Ratings, Pinboard, Wishlists, etc All In One":

  • Example 1: Having Movies, Celebrities and Theaters on site, with these 3 inter-linked:

    The "Directory / Businesses Plugin" is used for creating Businesses of Movies.

    Different Listing Types are created with "Multiple Listing Types Plugin" for: Celebrities (Actors, Actresses, Directors, etc) and Theaters. You will be able to enable Location for the listings of type Theaters, and can also enable Location and Proximity Searching for Theaters (see demo:
    With this extension, Celebrities and Theaters (the multiple listings) can be associated / added with Movies (the Directory Items / Businesses) [establishing a relation between these].
    The Celebrities and the Theaters for a Movie will be display-able on its Page. Also, on the Theater listing, the Movies being played over there will be display-able in a widget.
  • Example 2: Having Hotels on the site, with their offerings:

    The "Directory / Businesses Plugin" is used for creating Businesses of Hotels.

    Multiple Listing Types are created with "Multiple Listing Types Plugin" like: Food, Room Packages, Services Offered, etc. Hotel Business Admins will be able to associate / add their Listings to their Hotel Businesses. These Listings will then be visible on the Main Hotel Businesses in their respective Listing Type tabs.
    The profile of each associated listing type will also show the Hotel Business of the Hotel that offers that Listing.
  • Example 3: Having Brands, Products and Stores on site, with these 3 inter-linked:

    The "Directory / Businesses Plugin" is used for creating Businesses of Brands.

    Different Listing Types are created with "Multiple Listing Types Plugin" for: Products and Stores. You will be able to enable Location for the listings of type Stores, and can also enable Location and Proximity Searching for Stores (see demo:
    With this extension, Products and Stores (the multiple listings) can be associated / added with Brands (the Directory Items / Businesses) [establishing a relation between these].
    The Products and the Stores for a Brand will be display-able on its Page. Also, on the Store listing, the Brands available over there will be display-able in a widget.

The following are the requirements for this plugin:

Is this easy to install?
Yes, absolutely! This plugin will install seamlessly on your SocialEngine with the one click Package installation feature.
What will my plugin download contain?
The plugin download will be a zipped file, which upon extraction will give the plugin package tar file, the license file, and the installation instructions file.
Is this a stand-alone plugin?
No, this plugin requires the Directory / Businesses Plugin to be installed on your site.
I want to customize this plugin according to the offerings and design of my site. Can you help me?
Yes, please contact us with your customization requirements.