New Releases

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This category contains posts regarding the new releases on SocialEngineAddOns.

New Release: Reactions and Stickers Plugin

We have an amazing news for SocialEngine based communities: Our New!! plugin: "Reactions and Stickers Plugin" is released, and is ready to be purchased and used on your online communities.   With this new plugin, you will get an amazi

New Feature: Monetize your Android Mobile Application with Facebook Ads

Many app owners look for different ways to make money off their mobile apps. Surely, there is always a way to create a paid apps and some other resources, but it is a bit tricky to convince your community members to pay off for what you have to offer for them.   What if we bring an easy and quick way to monetize your mobile apps using Native Facebook ads?

New Release: No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA - Spam Protection Plugin

In today’s online world, spam protection on the web is the most vital part to run an online website hassle free. Spammers create virtual robots or bots that crawl the web looking for forms to fill out with their messages and URLs in an attempt to boost their SEO. These spam bots can even cause blacklisting of your website in search results which in turn can destroy your website’s online reputation.

Enhance Your SocialEngine Community with Advanced Events, Albums and Videos Package

Events form essential part of most online communities. They can be an important factor in the success of your community as they connect your users both online and offline.

New Releases coming up Next Week

With the beginning of 2016, SocialEngineAddOns aimed at creating tools to enable rich visuals and enhanced user engagement on SocialEngine powered communities, and this became our inspiration for all the new enhancements, upgrades and releases that we've done so far. We're now coming up with some exciting plugins for you next week:   1) Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin: It's been a while since we announced the release of this plugin.

New Release: Hashtags Plugin for SocialEngine PHP

Whether it be finding content related to specific topics or reaching your target audience on online communities, all this has now become easier with the release of our Hashtags Plugin. If users see a hashtag of their interest, they’re more likely to click on that hashtag and browse posts brought up by the hashtag.

Updates on Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin Release

Since we announced the upcoming release of our new product: "Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin" and asked for your valuable suggestions, we have received tremendous responses for this, and got many suggestions from our clients.   While the release of this plugin was scheduled in the month of November 2015, but in order to add some more features and incorporate your valuable suggestions, it has been extended by a few more weeks.

Introducing New iOS and Android Apps for SocialEngine

The future of community building is on Mobile. Get your community in the hands of your customers with our beautiful mobile solutions. Hello Everyone,

