This category contains posts regarding the new releases on SocialEngineAddOns.
New Release Announcement: Advanced Search Plugin
We're glad to bring to you our new plugin as we continue innovating and developing, to enable you to increase user engagement and retainment on your website:
Your website's content and users are its assets. Our new plugin enables your users to make good use of your website's content by easy searching and browsing in a neat interface, thus creating a win-win situation for you and your members.
New Release Announcement: Advanced Members Plugin - Better Browse & Search, User Reviews, Ratings & Location
Are Member Connections and Network Building important for your community?
Presenting our iOS - iPhone and iPad - Mobile Application Product for your SocialEngine website
We've received great response for our "Android Mobile Application" product, and are excited to now bring to you our new product:
Presenting our Android Mobile Application Product for your SocialEngine website
Having your own Mobile App is very crucial to increase engagement on your Social Network, and for the success of your online community. Many websites and online communities are generating tremendous user engagement through their mobile applications.
New Release Announcement: Paid Listings Extension for Multiple Listing Types Plugin
At SocialEngineAddOns, one of our goals is to enable you to successfully monetize your SocialEngine PHP based online communities.
New Plugin Release: Advanced Menus Plugin - Interactive and Attractive Navigation
Easy navigation around a website is of the upmost importance when it comes to designing a website. It enables users to locate necessary information on your website as soon as possible and users are encouraged to explore more.
New Plugin Release: Static Pages, HTML Blocks and Multiple Forms Plugin
Static content is an integral part of all websites and mostly contains essential information. It is important that such content should be presented well as it is normally seen by all visitors and users.
Introducing SocialEngineAddOns Subscription Plans
At SocialEngineAddOns, we take pride in quality of Support that we provide for our products. We understand how crucial it is for our Clients to be able to smoothly install and run our products on their websites; Hence we place equal, if not less, emphasis on our support as that on the quality of our products.
All our products come with 60 days of Free technical support starting at the time of purchase.
New Discounted Product Kits and Service
We're glad to bring to you 4 new Discounted Product Kits, and 1 new Service:
New Discounted Product Kits:
1) Page Directory, Multiple Listing Types and Advertisements - Product Kit:
Actual Cost: $731 &
Much Awaited New Plugin: Advanced Events Plugin released!
Events form essential part of most online communities. They gather your users together for celebration, fun, sharing, etc.