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What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!

A Complete Facebook Look for your Website

Get our latest package comprising of a brand new “Facebook Clone Theme” bundled with other recently launched plugins and some of the most popular SocialEngineAddOns plugins to help you build a new website similar to Facebook. This package is power packed with all plugins required to give users a seamless experience with the features similar to Facebook, plus some tweaks to make the customer engagement and experience even better.


New Enhancements! More Versatility! Much More User Engagement!

SocialEngineAddOns believes in improving at every step. Following this trend towards perfection, here are some enhancements and additions in Directory / Pages Plugin and Stores / Marketplace - Ecommerce Plugin.


New Release: Bookmarks and Shortcuts Plugin

No more chain of the links to access the required content. Access your favourite content easily by creating bookmarks and shortcuts for them. Shortcuts can be added for content / item profiles individually by the users or automatic shortcuts can be enabled for any of the module.

Avail 15% Holi Discount on Everything and Extended Weekend Schedule

May God gift you all the colors of life, colors of joy, colors of happiness, colors of friendship, colors of love and all other colors you want to paint in your life.   Wish you and your family Happy Holi.   Holi is celebrated in India as the "festival of colours". It signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.

New Release: Facebook Clone Theme

A Facebook Clone Theme!   Facebook is the top trending social networking website in the world, both in terms of total number of users and as a brand.

Compatibility of our Plugins with SocialEngine 4.10

SE team has recently released: SocialEngine PHP 4.10 with some great new features, improvements, bug fixes, and updates.   Our team of experts have put great efforts to ensure successful compatibility of all SEAO plugins to make this upgrade smooth for our clients.

New Release: Member Avatars Plugin with Initials

SocialEngineAddOns has released a powerful tool for SocialEngine based websites to generate Avatar with name initials instead of default user profile image: Member Avatars Plugin with Initials.   Member Avatars Plugin with Init
