What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!
Enhanced User Experience in new update of Android Mobile App for SocialEngine
Continuous App Improvement is vital and it is must to take the right steps to quickly adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the market and to stay competitive.
To keep our Social Networking Mobile Apps adept as per latest market trends and to tackle well the needs of our Clients’ communities, we are continuously improving our Mobile Apps.
Halloween Discount - Flat 20% discount on SocialEngineAddOns Products
When witches go riding & black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ‘tis near Halloween.
Halloween is here and we hope that you all will be in Halloween mood for celebrating the festival with the activities of trick-or-treating, costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, and many more.
To add to the excitement of Halloween, SocialEngineAddOns is offering a huge discount of Flat 20% on everything from
Upgrade Your SocialEngine Website to 4.10.3p4 for Critical Security Fix
A critical security patch has been released by SocialEngine '4.10.3p4', this patch fixes the vulnerability issue which allows an anonymous entity to view the database details. The vulnerability issue exists in the current version of SocialEngine PHP as well as in the older versions.
Logo Designing & Branding Service: Get an Ultimate Logo For Your Website!
A Logo plays a significant role in the success of any business. Designing an exquisite logo for a business seems to be an easy task, but actually, it’s a difficult job to design a professional and elegant logo which can truly symbolize your business.
The person designing the logo should have a deep sense of the business for which he / she is designing the logo.
Stories Feature now available in iOS Mobile App for SocialEngine
It’s easy to get new sign ups, but tough to retain users in any community. To hold onto the users and stay at top in your race, it’s essential to add and present new and engaging features in good manner.
OTP and Secure Login available in Android Mobile App for SocialEngine
To Secure User’s Accounts with an extra layer of protection while logging-in to the app, we integrated “OTP, Mobile Verification and Secure Login Plugin” with our iOS Mobile App few months back.
It's Finally Here - Major Upgrade Release of iOS Mobile App for SocialEngine
Some weeks back, we announced release of New Enhancements in Android Mobile App for SocialEngine. We were pleased to receive amazing responses from our clients for that upgrade.
Special Discount on PrimeMessenger for SocialEngineAddOns Customers - LIMITED PERIOD
Update: This 15% Discount for PrimeMessenger, with Coupon Code: PMSEAO15, has been extended till Monday, October 1, 2018.
PrimeMessenger has gained very good traction in the past few months amongst SocialEngine community owners.
Launch your own Social Media Website now, with Social Media Package
Media is the most consumed content types online, and generates the biggest engagement. For different community types, media is used for different purposes, example: Entertainment & News, Education, Training, Product Information, and lots more.
Thus, with the right use of Media, and engaging interface, you can attract maximum customers towards your community.
New Release: Bot Actions Plugin to Boost Growth of your SocialEngine Community
The popularity of your site is directly proportional to the popularity of its content. And the popularity of the site content means the number of followers of the content, the number of likes on the content, the number of members of the content etc.
But, it is actually very difficult to gain attraction of users towards even a good content on any new website.