What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!
New Release: Exciting Features in iOS App for SocialEngine
In today’s world, time is running fast and waits for none and so, realizing this fact, the user wishes to join the community with just a Single Click eliminating not-required steps while registration.
Upgrade to SocialEngine PHP 4.10.4 with SocialEngineAddOns Compatible Plugins & Themes
As SocialEngine has recently released SocialEngine PHP 4.10.4 version with some important bug fixes, so we recommend you to upgrade your website to this latest version.
All SocialEngineAddOns Plugins & Themes are fully compatible with SocialEngine PHP 4.10.4.
Exciting Features Released in Android App: Shimmering Effect, Image Compression, Add Friend Widget and a few more!
Recently, we have implemented many engaging features in our Mobile Apps like Multi-Currency, Deeplinking/Universal Linking, Live Broadcasting, Video Autoplay, Go Live on Member Level Basis , and more, which have played a prominent role in increasing user engagement in the community.
It’s easy to get new users, but a bit tough to retain them in any community.
Need Dedicated Developers For Your SocialEngine Website? SocialEngineAddOns Is Here For You!
Today is a world of the web when almost all kinds of businesses are having their online presence. Online presence is important as it has much wider reach than any other medium. So, if you are also planning to take your business online using SocialEngine PHP platform, then we are here for you.
Celebrating SocialEngineAddOns 11th Anniversary With 20% Discount
Accomplishing milestone of 11 successful years is another victory and inspiration to achieve more with higher enthusiasm. In these 11 years, we have published high quality products & services. While you are using our products we are busy enhancing that experience even better by pushing the boundaries.
Exciting News on SocialEngine PHP !
New Release: Go-Live Feature now available on Member Level Basis!
Live streaming is one of the most prominent features which adds significant value to your Social Community. Go Live and Connect instantly in real-time to the audience allows you to access a broader viewer base, and grow engagement with a Fun, Interactive and Powerful way.
What’s New for Admin?
An add-on in this existing feature!!
Our Recent Releases in Mobile Apps for SocialEngine
Constant progression in Mobile Apps industry demands businesses to enhance user engagement, which is directly dependent on how multifaceted and seamless feel our app offers. We, at SocialEngineAddOns understand your need and are continuously endeavoring to provide the best possible experience for our clients.
Special Discount on Memorial Day 2019 with 20% OFF on Everything !
On the remembrance of the brave men and women who gave their lives to protect the freedom while serving in the United States Armed Forces, SocialEngineAddOns is offering you a discount of 20% on everything including:
Mobile Apps | Plugins |
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SocialEngineAddOns - Good Friday & Happy Easter with 30% Discount on Everything
SocialEngineAddOns wishes you all a Good Friday & a very Happy Easter! To add up to your joy, we're offering huge 30% discount on everything including:
Mobile Apps | Plugins | Themes |