What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!
SocialApps.Tech Monthly Digest – November 2020
To our customers and partners, we know how extraordinary these times are for you and your business. We believe solidarity will help us get through this together. We are glad to announce that we have released many products & services, upgrades, features, improvements & bug fixes in our products last month.
Thanksgiving, Black Friday & Cyber Monday Discounts – Enjoy Upto 25% Off
Celebrate Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday with our Great Offers !!!
On this occasion of Thanksgiving, we would like to thank all our customers for their dedication, support & trust they have always shown in us. We are privileged to have you as a customer, and are working hard to continue serving you as you expect. Thank you for your endless support.
Celebrate Diwali with SocialApps.tech: Get Exclusive 25% Discount On Everything!
May the festival of lights be the sign of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Diwali is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love, here’s hoping this festival of beauty brings your way, bright sparkles of contentment, that stay with you through the days ahead.
Seamless Plugin Migration From SocialEngine to SocialApps.tech
Last week SocialEngine announced the closure of SocialEngine Marketplace. Certain changes have been introduced with respect to the marketplace and expert listings by SocialEngine.
SocialApps.Tech Monthly Digest – October 2020
At SocialApps.tech, it has been our continuous endeavor to offer the best products to our customers, and enable you to create successful businesses with your online communities. We are glad to announce that we have released many products & services, upgrades, features, improvements & bug fixes in our products last month. We would like to thank you for your dedication and believe in us.
We hope that you and those around you are and remain safe.
SocialApps.tech Plugins & Themes are Compatible with SocialEngine PHP 5.3.1 !
As SocialEngine has recently released SE PHP 5.3.1 version with some important enhancements for website as well as mobile apps and plenty of bug fixes, so we recommend you, upgrade your website to this latest version with SocialApps.tech fully compatible plugins & themes.
If you need any help with this upgrade, you can purchase our service Upgrade to SocialEngine PHP 5.3.1.
Note <
Halloween Sale from SocialApps.tech : Mystery Savings
Celebrate Halloween with Our Terrifyingly Good Offers !!!
May your Halloween be filled with magic, spirits, and treats. SocialApps.tech wishes you all the luck on this Halloween!
SocialApps.Tech Monthly Digest – September 2020
We build SocialApps.tech together with all of you, it’s our job and privilege to thank you all for standing with us in these tough times. We are glad to announce that with your confidence and long-standing partnership, we have released many major upgrades, features, improvements & bug fixes in our products last month. We are encouraged and motivated to serve you even better.
We will sail through the COVID TIMES...Together!!
Major Release of iOS & Android - New Features, Enhancements, Bug-Fixes, and a lot more!
Continual progress in the Mobile apps industry demands enhancement in user engagement which is directly dependent on how updated our Apps are with respect to the latest market trends. To help make sure our Clients are at top-notch in the market, we at SocialApps.tech, always thrive to regularly upgrade our iOS & Android Mobile Apps for platform upgrade compatibility, bug-fixes, and new features and enhancements.
SocialApps.tech Celebrating 73rd Indian Independence Day with 25% Discount on Everything
Let's celebrate together, the 73rd Independence Day in the remembrance of our freedom fighters, political leaders and citizens who made sacrifices in order to free our motherland.