New Release: User Identity Verification / KYC Plugin - Validate Your Users Easily
With User Identity Verification / KYC Plugin, Admin can easily verify users. It increases the trust of users on the website and makes the website secure.
It adds a security layer to your website. User uploads the document and then submits it for verification, its status is visible to him. The documents are approved/ rejected by super admin or a group of members added by superadmin. Admin can enable three document types for the user. Admin can also track the documents submitted by users.
- Auto Approve of Documents: Documents can be auto-approved as well as a group of members can be added by superadmin for approving documents.
- Allow Three Types of Documents: Three Document Types i.e. (ID Proof, Passport, Driving License) can be uploaded for KYC Verification by the user.
- Manage Members KYC Documents: Admin can keep a track of submitted documents as well as preview them and change their status (Approved/ Rejected).
- Access to Document: The document is accessible to user who has submitted it as well as to superadmin under profile settings, no other user can access it.
- And Many More...
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