What's new on SocialEngineAddOns!
New Release: Advanced Share Plugin
Content sharing is the most frequent activity performed by the users on the websites. Anything interesting, innovative and informative posted on any website is worthy to be shared on the other web platforms as well. This will not only help in spreading your content but also improve connectivity among users from different social networks.
New Release: Advanced Member Subscriptions Plugin
Subscription to any package is the first step while signing up to a website.
Admin Configurable Tab Bar and Dashboard in iOS Mobile App for SocialEngine
Mobile Apps allow your users and customers to engage with your community and social network in a whole new way.
New Feature: Statistics in Credits, Reward Points and Virtual Currency - User Engagement Plugin
Credits, Reward Points and Virtual Currency - User Engagement Plugin has received great response from the SocialEngine community.
SocialEngine PHP 4.9 Pre-Launch Discount Offer- 15% Off on Everything
We’re excited to inform you all about the upcoming release of SocialEngine PHP 4.9. This is a great news for the whole SocialEngine community as the latest upgrade is coming up with multiple enhancements, new features, new theme and bug fixes. If you are thinking of starting a new community then it's the right time. SocialEngine is offering a pre-launch offer providing 10% discount plus free upgrade service to those who will purchase a license till 19th March, 2017.
New Release: Credits, Reward Points and Virtual Currency - User Engagement Plugin
Site users are the key to a successfully running website. To make our website successful we focus on increasing the number of users but in the process, we overlook the fact that how we are going to stick those users to our website.
Holi Discount and Extended Weekend Holiday Schedule
“Celebrating the colours of our beautiful relationship, SocialEngineAddOns wishes you and your family all the bright hues of life.
New Feature: Friend Suggestions in iOS and Android Mobile Apps for SocialEngine
Acquiring users in your Mobile App is only half the battle won, keeping them engaged is essential for business retention. To keep app users active, some exciting and interactive features do wonders.
We have already implemented many engaging features like Push Notifications, Easy and Advanced Search, Reactions & Stickers, and more, which have played important role in increasing user activity in a network.
New Feature - Community Ads in iOS and Android Mobile Apps for SocialEngine
Mobile apps are growing faster than ever and helping app owners to make their businesses reach new heights.
Upcoming Enhancements in Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall Plugin
We are excited to announce upcoming new features to our Advanced Activity Feeds / Wall plugin.