Services Booking & Appointments Plugin allows your users to book services online. Service providers and services can be created, users can book the services at available time durations. It introduces a services booking system to your SocialEngine based social community. Users can create service providers along with the services offered by those providers. You can allow your website users to book an appointment for any service online.
Services Booking & Appointments Plugin is compatible with Android as well as IOS Apps. It introduces a services booking system to your SocialEngine based social community. Users can create service providers along with the services offered by those providers. You can allow your website users to book an appointment for any service online.
Calendar Based Booking
A user will be presented a calendar showing possible time slots for booking appointments of any service, he can book any number of appointments by selecting the required time slots.
Configurable Service Time DurationsAdmin can allow different time durations (time period that can be set for one appointment of a service) of .5 hr, 1 hr, 1.5 hr ... upto 5 hrs to allow his users to choose from for their services.
Configurable Custom Off DaysUser can set those days as Off Days on which they are not providing the service.
Display Timings As Per User's Timezone
No matter what is the timezone of the service provider, user will see the available timings as per his timezone i.e. service timings are displayed as per viewer's timezone.
Location Based Services & ProvidersAdmin can enable location for services and service providers, then users need to select a location while creating a service or provider and other users can be able to search them based on location.
Automatic Cost CalculationsThe total costs of multiple booked appointments are calculated by the plugin itself, users or providers do not have to do any calculations.
Services can be associated with categories specific to them. Some predefined categories are provided and admin is allowed to create new categories.
Services & Providers WishlistUsers can add services and providers which are useful for them to their wishlist so that they can quickly see their favorite entries that they can benefit from.
Reviews & RatingsUsers can be provided an option to give their reviews and ratings on the services and providers.
Privacy Options
Admin can set if service / provider created by the member of a particular level should be viewable to everyone, registered members or his friends and networks.
Various Search FiltersUsers can search services & service providers based on name, category and location & proximity search.
Social Sharing PossibleServices and Providers can be shared on other social media handles.
Users can become service provider and create their services. They can set working hours with available time slots for required days of the week, set work-off days and cost per appointment for a service. Another set of users can book those services online.