How your SocialEngine Community Website can gain thousands of visitors per day?
Any website owner can open up new avenues of business opportunities by building Search Engine visibility of his / her website. Building search engine visibility helps to bring exposure to a larger audience and increases website traffic significantly. Our Ultimate SEO / Sitemaps plugin helps to build up online visibility of your SocialEngine Community website easily and drive website traffic.
What if Social Meta Tags plugin comes along with Ultimate SEO / Sitemaps plugin?
SocialEngineAddOns has designed Social Meta Tags & Ultimate SEO / Sitemaps Plugin kit to enhance social media presence of your content and also, increase online visibility of your SocialEngine Community website.
Let’s see what difference this Product Kit can bring to your website;
Ultimate SEO / Sitemaps Plugin Specifications
● More Traffic. More Engagements.
Ultimate SEO / Sitemaps plugin helps to optimize website title, descriptions through meta tags that drives more traffic and more clicks. As, the website traffic builds up - it drives engagement on website pages. This helps directly to build up brand awareness.
● Increased Visibility
Higher click-through rate! Quick and easy determination of content by website users! Adding up schema microdata in HTML code using this plugin, helps Search Engine crawlers to interpret content of pages more efficiently. This, in turn, helps to drive increased visibility of your SocialEngine Community website.
● Easy Accessibility
Using this plugin, Sitemap File can be generated. Generating a sitemap file and submitting it to Google, Bing & other popular search engine makes it easy for the Search Engines to crawl your website better. Search Engines use sitemap data to improve index process of website by search engines, they can be used to provide accessibility to certain pages as well. For example, pages that are not accessible via your menus, can be indexed by the Search Engine if you want.
● Identifying Most Important Pages
A small aspect of Search Engine Optimization process, this plugin helps to generate and edit robots.txt file. Robots.txt file is a simple text file (no html) that is placed in your website’s root directory. This file helps in various ways such as preventing duplicate content from appearing in SERPs, keeping internal search results pages from showing up on public SERP, specifying Sitemap location, preventing Search Engines from indexing certain files on website (images, PDFs, etc) and specifying crawl delay in order to prevent servers from being overloaded when crawlers load multiple pieces of content at once.
● Attractive Web Pages Presentation
Using Social Meta Tags (such as Open Graph & Twitter Cards) plugin for different web pages helps to represent the web pages attractively on social networks. You can control how your posts are shared on Social Media Channels.
Information shared through Open Graphs & Twitter Cards
► What type of content are you sharing (such as blog post, video or picture)?
► What’s the canonical URL for the content you are sharing?
► What’s the name of the website (such content belongs to whom) and the title of the page?
Exclusive Social Meta Tags Plugin Benefits
◾ Improved conversions and Click-through rates
◾ Significant Social Advertising
◾ Populate your website and content on Social Networks and grab more traffic
◾ Boost in organic Search Engine Rankings as, it enhances shareability of your posts which is taken as, one of the major ranking signal by Search Engine like Google.

Wrapping It Up:
We have designed this kit to help you boost up the visitor engagement and build up a strong social media presence. With increased visitor engagement, you can build up brand awareness and maximize conversions from your website.
To learn more on this visit respective plugin pages;