
Facebook Ads: Monetization Opportunity for your iOS & Android Mobile Apps

Friday July 6, 2018   |   Community Monetization , News & Updates , Mobile Apps   |   Leave a Comment

Facebook Ads are the fastest-growing revenue opportunity for Mobile Apps. They don’t require much efforts to launch and provide remarkable revenues depending on the user-base of your community.


Facebook has recently made some changes in the Audience Network to make Facebook Ads Configuration easier and better-managed. So, it’s now quicker for you to get Facebook Ads in your iOS and Android Mobile Apps for SocialEngine .


We care for you and know all our clients’ needs. We have created a detailed tutorial following which you can easily enable Facebook Ads in your Mobile Apps. Have a look at the Help Article and contact our team in a Support Ticket in case of any queries.


Let’s have a quick look at key points of Facebook Ads in our Mobile Apps:



1. Designed Native for Maximum Effectiveness

a. Facebook Native Ads complement your app’s look & feel

b. Ads work in harmony and don’t disturb user flow

c. Action Buttons and Labelling is done well, that highlights the ads and make it distinguishable from the rest of your app’s content

d. Ads size is formatted properly to fit into the app seamlessly. It doesn’t make the ad look out of place


2. Increased User Experience and User Retention

a. Seamless UI of Ads provides better User Experience to App Users

b. Native Ads don’t create disturbing experience like Banner Ads, that increases the User-Retention Rate


3. Target based Ads Delivery and Revenue Generation:

a. Users receive the only ads that match their interests

b. Target based Ads provide engaging experience to the App Users, that results in higher clicks and thus higher revenue

c. Native Ads, when compared with other ads type like Banner Ads, increase engagement, enabling App Owners to get high CPM


4. Ads Placement in All Modules

a. Select which module to have Facebook Ads from Admin Panel

b. Select Ads Position for each module from Admin Panel

c. Quick to Enable / Disable Facebook Ads in the Mobile App

d. Choose Ads Position wisely. Too much of Ads can lead losing on your App Users


If you want to increase revenue while improving user experience, then you should never miss out on Facebook Ads.



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