Number of followers, likes, members, etc are very important for the content created on any social networking site but to get these activities performed initially is a difficult task. Now you can get it done easily using “Bot Actions Plugin”. This plugin will perform some default actions automatically after user signup as per the framework set by the admin. Auto Actions can also be performed for the existing users of the site.
Number of followers, likes, members, etc are very important for the content created on any social networking site, but to get these activities performed initially is a difficult task. Now you can get it done easily using “Bot Actions Plugin”. This plugin will perform some default actions automatically after user signup as per the framework set by the admin. These automatic actions are referred to as Auto Actions here. Auto Actions can also be performed for the existing users of the site. Auto actions can be created for liking, following or joining a content entity based on the type of the content for which the auto action is to be created. For example, if the content entity is a group, then auto actions supported are liking of the group and joining of members to that group likewise if content entity is a photo album, then auto actions supported are liking of the photo album.
This plugin is beneficial for both site admins and site users. When people Sign up, the best way to help them is to reduce the task of searching for their interests. So, to serve them some good suggestions in the form of friend requests, liked / followed content can make site tour and connectivity even more easy for them. In other way by connecting users automatically with each other and with different content of the site you can showcase any of the site feature or advertise any content easily.

Highlights of the Plugin
Automatic Actions
You can create different auto actions for different entities of your site. Actions can be created individually for each entity like for a album, group, event, etc. The auto actions include liking, following or joining an entity.
Filter Users
To make auto actions work smoothly, we have given many filters in the auto action creation form so that the users can be targeted more efficiently. Specific types of users can be targeted towards specific content.
Select Resource Type
All the enabled modules having any entity created in it will list down in the Admin panel under Global Settings. You can select for which resource type, you want to disable the auto action functionality.
Automatic Friendships/Memberships
Auto action can be created for automatic friendship of site users with admin or with any other particular member. Auto actions can be created such that users automatically become members of a group, event or page.
Auto/Manual Acception of Requests
Admin can decide whether he wants to create auto-actions such that members automatically becomes a member of a group/event or if he wants that requests are sent to content owner from members for membership of the content and he will be able to accept/reject requests.
Enable/Disable Auto Actions
Admin can disable auto actions whenever they feel that now there is no need of that auto action and can also enable that auto action later if needed.
- Site Promotion: This plugin can be useful when your site is in initial phase of its growth. It’s the time when there are only a few users and less numbers of activities are performed on the site and there is need of something that can just push things forward for running your site. In this case, this plugin can prove to be a life saviour by automatically increasing number of activities, friendships etc. on the site.
- Event Promotion: When you are going to organize a great event, but attracting users towards the event is taking too much time. In this case, you can make this process faster by the use of this plugin. Auto-follow, auto-join and auto-liking of an event will make the task easier for you..
- Monetization: Admin of the site can charge money from the users of his site if the users want to create auto actions for any contents published by them on the site. So, there will be mutual benefit of Admin and the users. The admin will be benefited with money as well as enhanced site popularity and on the other hand, the users’ purpose of getting audience for content published by them would be resolved.
- Gaining audiences from other social networks: You can attract people from other sites towards the content of your site by sharing the content of your SocialEngine based site on other websites. Already famous content i.e. the content which is already having a good number of likes, followers and members will be approached faster by the people.
- Automatic friendship of users with Admin: Most of the times, the admin of a site wants that the users of his site become his friends, so that he can coordinate better with them and can approach them faster. So, using this plugin an auto-action can be created for friendship with admin, so that each user will automatically become friend of admin. The admin depending on his requirement may decide to make the auto action work with auto-acceptance of friend requests by the users or to make the auto action such that it just send friend request to each user and it depends on the users whether to accept or reject that request.

Long Term Benefits
Grown Presence
The more activities performed on the content means it is more in the phase of “growing its presence”. Hence you are heading towards the way of being noticed. As brilliantly said “Monkey See, Monkey Do”, will led to even more activities performed by others too.
Effective Marketing
Having low numbers in followers, likes, etc for your site content can inhibit business growth. Getting this automatically done won’t just get your numbers up and increase your social proof, it can push your growth forward and help your idea become more effective and persuasive.
Building Connectivity
Site users connecting automatically to the content of your site will result in other users attention as well. If gone well, it will start expanding out of the network resulting in increase of the members stack and improved social connectivity for your site.
Global Settings
Select the resource type and user type for which you want auto actions to be performed.
Manage Modules
Create and manage auto-actions for different entries of specified resource types.
General FAQs related to this plugin are provided in this tab.
Below, we have listed some possible use cases of this plugin:
- Automatic likes on content: Auto actions can be created for getting no. of likes on a group, event, blog, album, classified, etc. Increased number of likes on any particular content attracts users towards it and thus people’s attention can be gained towards any specific content of your site.
- Automatic Friendship: Auto actions can be created for making a particular member friends of other members of your site. For example admin can be made friend of all other members. This friendship can be possible in two ways:
- => Without friend requests sent: In this no friend requests/notifications would be sent and the member for which auto action is created will become friends of the target users.
- => With friend requests sent: Here friend requests will be sent automatically from the target users to the particular member for which auto action is created and friendships are confirmed only when that member would accept those friend requests.
- Automatic membership of a group / event or Automatic addition of members to a group / event: Auto actions can be created such that new members or existing members of your site can be added to a group/event. This membership can also be made possible in two ways:
- => Without any membership requests: No requests for membership would be sent and members would become members of the group/event for which auto action is created.
- => With membership requests: Here, membership requests will be sent automatically from the target users to the owner of the group/event for which auto action is created and members will be added only when the content owner will accept the membership requests.
- Automatic following of events and people: Auto actions can be created such that events are automatically followed by existing or new users of your site. Automatic following of an event is a great way for promoting any event on your site. Event promotion also promotes your website.
If you have enabled one way friendship on your site then auto actions can be made such that a person is automatically followed by other members of your site. These members can be new or existing members. - Automatic Subscription of blogs: Auto actions can be made to auto subscribe a blog, so that a blog is automatically subscribed by new or existing members of your site. So, you can make popular among site users some great knowledgeable blog post on your site.
- Popularity of your site content on other social websites:When your site content or links are shared on some other social websites like Facebook, Twitter etc, then a great no. of likes and followers on the content would easily attract other people towards it.
- Site Promotion: If your site is in its initial phase of growth, then this plugin can be of much importance to you. Less no. of users, less number of likes and followers on the site content and less number of overall activities are the obstacles in any sites popularity, but these obstacles can be removed easily by the use of this plugin. So, we can say this plugin is a booster for growth of your site.
- Monetization: Monetization can also done with this plugin. You can charge users of your site who want auto actions to be created for any of the contents posted by them. This would be beneficial for them as their content would become popularized and would gain some money to you.
Auto actions can also be created such that stores and store products are automatically liked by users, thus increasing popularity of the products and consequently their sales. - Setting up a path for new users: Whenever a new users joins a site, he is unaware about the site and its content, he has to explore the whole website before he/she can find things of his/her interest. This plugin can ease this task by presenting some sorted out content to them with the use of auto actions. Auto actions can be mapped with profile questions and profile types of your site. Suppose, there is a profile type “Musician” on your site, then if any person signs up on your site as musician, you can serve him music related content in the form of events, groups etc by the use of auto actions and thus, can set a path for him to go on your site.
This would be very pleasing for the new users if they are initially served with the things they like and love, this would be similar as if someone serve you your favourite dish out of a number of dishes. - Gaining users’ attention: You can easily attract users whether new or existing towards any specific and significant content of site with the help of auto actions which otherwise would have been much difficult. For example, there is a page created on your site which you found very interesting and containing very good stuff in it for the site users, but unfortunately has not yet caught users’ eye towards it, so, you can create an auto action for liking of the page by users and make that page popular and reach others as well.
- Increased Overall Activities: Increasing number of likes, followers, memberships and friendships would result in a significant increase in the number of overall activities going-on on your site. The more the activities are there on a site, the more the site is heading towards growth and making its presence in the market.
We have made this plugin compatible with following plugins:
- Groups
Auto actions supported: like and join. Auto actions can be created for liking a group and joining a group. - Photo Albums
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a photo album. - Events
Auto actions supported are: like and join. Auto actions can be created for liking an event and joining an event. - Blogs
Auto actions supported: like, and subscribe. Auto actions can be created for liking a blog entry and subscribing to a blog. - Video Sharing
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a video. - Music Sharing
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a music playlist. - Polls
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a poll entry. - Advanced Members Plugin - Better Browse & Search, User Reviews, Ratings & Location
Auto actions supported: like, follow and add as friend. Auto actions can be created for liking a member, following a member and adding that member as friend of other members. - Advanced Photo Albums Plugin
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a photo album. - Advanced Events Plugin
Auto actions supported: like, follow and join. Auto actions can be created for liking an event, following an event and joining an event. - Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin
Auto actions supported: like. Auto action can be created for liking a video. - Directory / Pages Plugin
Auto actions supported: like, follow and join. Auto actions can be created for liking a page, following a page and joining of a page. - Groups / Communities Plugin
Auto actions supported: like, follow and join. Auto actions can be created for liking a group, following a group and joining a group. - Stores / Marketplace - Ecommerce Plugin
Auto actions supported: like. Auto actions can be created for liking a store and any of its products. - Multiple Listing Types Plugin - Listings, Blogs, Products, Classifieds, Reviews & Ratings, Pinboard, Wishlists, etc All In One
Auto actions supported: like. Auto actions can be created for liking a listing type.