
Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling (AWS)

Website owners having a large database always want to provide their users a seamless experience on their website. In any case they do not want the customers to get impacted and for this they always try to make sure that their system handles the rise in load, sudden failure, recovering from a failure effectively. Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling is a perfect solution for such website owners. ELB automatically divides the incoming traffic and scales the resources to meet the traffic requirements.

Price: $99

Website owners having a large database always want to provide their users a seamless experience on their website. In any case they do not want the customers to get impacted and for this they always try to ensure that their system handles the spike in load, sudden failure, recovery from a failure effectively.


Elastic Load Balancing is a perfect solution for such website owners. ELB is a load balancing service for Amazon Web Services (AWS) deployment. ELB automatically divides the incoming traffic and scales the resources to meet the traffic requirements. In a layman term, this can be understood as dividing the work that a single computer need to do among multiple computers.



AWS ‘Auto Scaling’ feature can be used to make sure that there are enough EC2 instances running behind an ELB. Auto Scaling ensures, you are using the correct number of EC2 instances available to handle the load of your application. In Auto Scaling EC2 instances are grouped and treated as logical units for scaling. While creating an Auto Scaling groups 3 main parameters are defined:

Desired Capacity

Minimum number of instances

Maximum number of instances



Benefits of using Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling:-

High Fault Tolerance:

An unhealthy instance is detected, terminated and replaced intelligently by a new instance. Health of instances is continuously monitored and requests are sent only to the healthy instances.


Better Load Distribution:

Requests are distributed to multiple available EC2 instances.



Has end-to-end traffic encryption on those networks which are using secure (HTTPS/SSL) connections.


High Availability:

It is always ensured that application has the right amount of instances to handle the traffic demands.


Better Cost Management:

Money is saved as instances are launched when they are actually required and terminated when they are not needed.



Pricing structure can be checked here:



Amazon S3 Storage + Cloud Front

Amazon RDS

Amazon EC2


Details Required for Service:

We will require the velow information from you to proceed with setup and installation. Please send these to us via a Support Ticket from your Client Area after purchasing this service:

1) AWS Account Login

- Email

- Password

2) Your site URL
3) Other desired site information:

- Community Title

- Admin Email

- Admin Password

This service is normally completed in 12 to 48 hours.
