6 Ways SocialEngineAddOns Can Aid Businesses Generate Revenue
The digital age, has been adding up huge substance to “improved user experience” which has led to troubles in figuring out ways to achieve it. Taking into account the intense market competition, it has become much more challenging than before to create a highly engaging user experience. Higher visitor engagements, improved conversion rate to increased customer retention, it takes a great deal of effort to build well-performing websites.
Considering, the hassles involved in building a good website; SocialEngineAddOns expert team has designed a set of amazing plugins that offer great opportunities to SocialEngine users to drive high sales numbers from SocialEngine communities. Let's take a look at some of them listed out here:
1. Listings to Monetize your website
In the initial phase of website development, creating listings can prove to be of great importance for your business. And with a well-defined marketing strategy; listings enables website owners to generate revenues from their website. To start, list creators need to choose listing package before creating new listings. From tourism packages, product, employment to educational listings; different types of listing can be created using Multiple Listing Types – Paid Listings Extension. With this comes a great monetization opportunity as admin can charge users for paid listings. Adding up, to the revenue making opportunity; listing owners need to pay for creating listing first, to get their listing approved.
2. Reward Users to Increase Engagements
Enhance your website performance by rewarding interactions. If users are rewarded for performing activities such as liking, commenting or sharing content on your website then it will not only bring new visitors but also, contribute to retention of existing customers. Simply integrate Credits, Reward Points and Virtual Currency - User Engagement Plugin to enhance user-engagement level and start generating revenue from your website.
3. Create Events to Generate Revenue
A fully-featured events booking and ticket selling system can be created on your website. From organizing & creating events to managing a fully-featured ticketing system, a plugin – Advanced Events Plugin coupled with Advanced Events - Events Booking, Tickets Selling & Paid Events Extension helps to generate income in multiple ways. This can be done by creating subscriptions for event creators, or by charging commissions on ticket sales.
4. Leveraging Business to next level
Brand building and upgrading business to next level can be challenging for business owners. Directory / Pages Plugin allows users to create directories demonstrating business features.
You can easily sell premium products on your website using this plugin. With this plugin, comes “Get Direction” feature that helps to enhance the reachability to your business. Easily create any kind of directory for your SocialEngine community users. However, ads popping up along your business directory can be distracting to the users so, sum it up with Advertisements / Community Ads Plugin to make the pages of special/paid packages ad-free.
5. Create a One-Stop Online Shopping Store
Looking to set-up an E-Commerce store? But, worried about the setup cost? In this, ever-growing space of e-commerce websites it can be troubling for businesses to choose the best option from plethora of options available. Choose Stores / Marketplace - Ecommerce Plugin and get the ecommerce set up ready in a matter of seconds. Site Admin can charge users for creating stores and can earn commission on each order. Further, using Advertisements / Community Ads Plugin give away extra privileges to stores of special/paid packages as pages can be displayed free of ads.
6. Enhance Quality of Existing Subscriptions & Plans
Create attractive subscription plans and build better engagement opportunities for users. Do this easily with our “Advanced Member Subscriptions Plugin".
Using our plugin you can not only change the layout, template or interface of your subscription but also, map the member level and profile type to the subscription plans and even create own subscription packages. Mapping helps to simplify the process of sorting users. As, the new user sign up your website, profile questions are asked based upon subscribed plan which helps in categorizing users in a better way.
Wrapping it up:
Coming up to the conclusion, you must have figured out how easy it is to improve website performance. SocialEngineAddOns has it all. They simplify the task of extending the reach and functionality of your website in a short span of time. However, overboarding and using outdated plugins can create hassles in retrieving desired business outcomes. So, while choosing any plugin keep in mind the version and compatibility of each plugin.