
New Release: Here’s Page Cache Plugin to Achieve Faster Page Load Speed!

Monday July 17, 2017   |   News & Updates   |   Leave a Comment

Are you delivering a great user experience to your website visitors?


It’s important to commit yourself to this, since it’s a fundamental part of organic search rankings and also helps to improve conversion rate.


You may be thinking that if your website offers valuable and informational content then, it deserves to rank higher in Google Search Results, however, the question is “What is the user’s point of view?”


Amazing user experience comes as a result of various compiled efforts. Such as, creating compelling content, improving website navigation structure. Another factor - Optimizing your Website to Load Quickly helps in improving website performance. This factor drives website visitors to take the right actions (for instance, subscription to your list and finally, leading to product purchase).


How do you feel when you visit a web page that loads like a snail moving uphill?


Even if, the page has information that you’re looking forward to, it may not matter much in creating a good user experience at first instance. An improved website load speed is what actually, leads to an amazing first impression. Websites taking a longer time to load may make users switch over to competitor’s site.


Time is money, and wasting either isn’t the best way to build and run a rewarding online business. Users love to see pages load within two seconds or less.It is revealed through survey results, that 47% of consumers want a web page to load within 2 seconds or less, and 40% abandon websites that take more than 3 seconds to load.


The first impression you create with your prospects and potential customers is actually through website page load time.Users haven’t read your content or visited any of your webpages. They are not aware of how helpful or important your insights are. However, your website speed certainly forms an impression.And even, Google hates slow websites.A fast and easy to navigate website that provides users’ information quickly is rewarded well by Google.



Page Cache Plugin - Speed up your Website


A simple factor - Page Load Speed has a significant impact on your website. To let you improve Page Load Speed of website faster, SocialEngineAddOns has introduced Page Cache Plugin that helps in multiple ways to improve the website speed.


‘Page Cache Plugin - Speed up your Website’ Specialities:

  • Single User Caching: Every page of the website is cached when it is opened first time in any browser. Now, when the page is visited again, an already saved data from the browser is fetched locally to display the page content faster.

  • Multiple User Caching: This type of caching saves the page data based upon different configurations and loads pages faster for multiple users even for the first time.

  • Enable / Disable: You can enable / disable cache system.

  • Decreased Server Load: URLs which change often and do not require caching can be excluded. This saves unnecessary storage load at the server.

  • Cache Clearing: Cache can be cleared manually anytime. Clear the complete cache or multiple and single user caching separately.

  • Separate Caching System: It is not necessary that Single User caching should use the same cache system for storage as used in core caching. You can set another system for it from Caching Feature.

  • File-based Caching: Minimum disk space can be entered that should be available to Single User Caching and also, set a time duration after which a check will be done and if, available space falls short the single user caching will be stopped. Currently, available disk space will be shown to you every time so, that you can flush cache manually also, if required. This setting will work in case of file based caching only.

  • Caching Prefix: If you are using multiple sites on the same server with the same caching system. You can add prefix for the cache file in order to make file management easy.



Wrapping it Up:

This plugin can certainly help to optimize your website for users and get skyrocketing conversion rate like never before. You’ll definitely start seeing desired results in a short time. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to us to get it now.


If you like these features and haven't yet purchased this plugin, then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get it now.


Main Plugin Page:
To read complete details of this plugin, please visit its main page:


Check out the demo of this plugin here:


Got any queries? Please feel free to contact us.