Deep Linking immediately takes the user to targeted content with reduced app navigations. Whether you have shared the content link on SMS, Email, Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or anywhere, clicking on the link will locate content in the app and open a required page in the app.
Let’s have a look at the benefits of Deep Linking:
1. Improved User Experience
Users search for something and they come across their desired content in search results, Deep Linking helps them to redirect to the required page by skipping launch and welcome screens.
2. Easy App Content Promotions
If you have shared the content link on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or SMS etc for promotions, Deep Linking helps you to take the user directly to the app with the right content.
3. Effective Marketing Campaigns
If you are offering discounts in your Store, Events, Classifieds etc, Sharing relevant links at required platforms will take users to the targeted content page. Thus, Deep Linking makes your campaigns efficient by increasing Sales and Profits.
4. Increase User Engagement and Retention Rate
Deep Linking enables re-engagement for users who already have your app installed, but they are not much active on it. Deep Linking brings users back to the app when they are searching for anything particular and came across the content in your app.
Mobile App Deep Linking Service:
Deep Linking might sound like a small feature, but it’s of great impact if you know how to use it wisely for your community. Get it now.
Do you have any feedback for us? We are all ears, please contact us