
Updates of all the recent activities and latest releases to charm your interests

Make Your Listings More Secured: Enhancement In Multiple Listing Type Plugin

Increased and effective exposure to your products and services don’t happen by chance. We helped you achieve it successfully using Multiple Listing Types Plugin and create various listings on your website.

Exciting New Enhancements In: Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin

SocialEngineAddOns announces enhancements in Advanced Videos / Channels / Playlists Plugin. Now, start exploring limitless opportunities for making videos more interactive and thought-provoking.

Enhancements in 'Advanced Members Plugin'

Members play the most important role in any website. Advanced Members Plugin is enabling better connectivity amongst users on websites. The amazing features of this plugin like Advanced Search, Location Based Search, Review & Ratings makes it a worth buying option. But, what if you get some more features at the same price?

Integration of Content Profiles Plugin with iOS and Android Mobile Apps

Your content pages speak a lot about your SocialEngine community. By adding up cover photos, you can make the pages more attractive and appealing.   Attractive and appealing content profiles lead to better user engagement and improved branding of your community.

New Release: Here’s Page Cache Plugin to Achieve Faster Page Load Speed!

Are you delivering a great user experience to your website visitors?   It’s important to commit yourself to this, since it’s a fundamental part of organic search rankings and also helps to improve conversion rate.

SocialEngineAddOns Brings All It Takes To Build Your Business Digitally

  Let’s Conquer the Internet & Create Limitless Business Opportunities   Do you know that all it takes is 60 seconds to make your business viral over internet. Your Community Website can earn this potential too. Well, only if your target audience is able to interact with your website across several touch points.

Start ‘Donations’ with Crowdfunding / Fundraising / Donations Plugin

'Crowdfunding / Fundraising / Donations plugin' is the most flexible plugin to implement Crowdfunding feature on a Social Engine based website. This plugin is integrated with 5 of our plugins, thus, making it easy to associate a project with these plugins which include: Events, Groups, Business, Pages, Products, Blogs, Classifieds or any other listing type.

Celebrating 9th Anniversary with 15% Discount on Everything

SocialEngineAddOns’ 9th anniversary is around the corner!   From more than a decade SocialEngine has been doing incredible job in providing a platform to build niche social networks and online communities. SocialEngineAddOns started its journey from 2008, to further enhance features of SocialEngine platform.

