Want to Increase User Traffic & Engagement on the Website and Mobile Apps? "User Stories Package" is the perfect solution to achieve this. Diversify the ways to engage users on your website and apps through this ultimate, discounted package.
Package Overview

Unlimited Stories
User can post unlimited text / photo / video stories on the website, adding one story at a time.

Photos, Videos & Text Stories
Photos, Videos and Text Stories can be uploaded with captions, play/ pause functionality and Background Images respectivley.

Story Privacy
Story privacy can be set during creation. ie. Everyone, Friends, Custom.

Report Stories
If users find any story offensive, they can report them and add a reason for it.

Reply to Stories
Users can reply to stories and reply will be sent via messages to users. Reply will be sent via normal message to other users

Post Stories as Feeds
While posting a new story, user can choose if he wants to make that story visible in feed or not.
Why Choose This Package?

- Create beautiful and Engaging content easily.
- Increased User Engagement.
- Increased Visibility of Your Content.
- Powerful Admin Panel for Managing Stories.
- Fast Load Time Of your Stories.
This section displays the actual price of all included plugins, theme and calculation of the discount offered, to enable you to better visualize your tremendous savings with this package:
Plugin Name | Cost |
Web User Stories Plugin | $99.00 |
Stories Feature in iOS and Android Mobile Apps | $99.00 |
Actual Cost: $198 Great Discount of: $69 Cost After Discount:$129 |
1) Your SocialEngine License key
2) FTP information (Please get this from your hosting provider if you do not already have this.):
- Host
- Username
- Password
3) Database information (Please get this from your hosting provider if you do not already have this.):
- Host
- Username
- Password
4) Your site URL pointing to your server location.
5) Other desired site information:
- Community Title
- Admin Email
- Admin Password
This service is normally completed in 12 to 24 hours.