SocialEngine Plugins

Mobile Apps Essentials

This package provides you with One Time Payment Plan for Android & iOS Apps along with our latest and advanced features for Mobile Apps.

Deep Linking/Universal Linking in iOS and Android Mobile Apps for SocialEngine

Stories Feature in iOS and Android Mobile Apps

Live Broadcasting / Streaming for iOS and Android Mobile Apps for SocialEngine

Crowdfunding / Donations Plugin Integration with Android Mobile App for SocialEngine

Building Graphic Assets for Mobile Apps

Actual Cost
Product Kit

Having an online web presence is not enough if you want to lead in any business in today's competitive world? Mobile Apps have become so common that very small businesses are also having their native mobile apps. And the use of mobile apps is increasing day by day by people as it is very easy for people to access something that is avaiable to them with just a click on their mobile phones.

To let you have your native iOS & Android mobile apps alongwith the latest features available in them, we've created this package "Mobile Apps Essentials".

With this package, you'll get your mobile apps with all the advanced features mentioned under "Products Included".

Products Included:

Products and services included in this package are mentioned below:


What All This Package Offers?

  • We are offering you a discount of $1093, where the total cost of included Plugins is: $2592. You are thus being charged only $1499 for this amazing package.
  • Free installation of all these products included in this package on your site by us.
  • Our free support for mobile apps for 6 MONTHS.

So, you'll get amazing native Android & iOS Apps with advanced features for your community with this package.

[NOTE: This Package does not include the price for the SocialEngine License Key, and it needs to be purchased separately.]
Actual Cost
Product Kit