In today’s world, time is running fast and waits for none and so, realizing this fact, the user wishes to join the community with just a Single Click eliminating not-required steps while registration. All we want is an easy process of Sign-Up, which is a key to increase the users on your community and allows the user to quickly register for a community using only the required details.
Recently we have introduced some exciting features in our Android Mobile App and we are pleased to receive amazing responses from our clients. Now, we are glad to announce those features’ integration with our iOS Mobile Apps too.
Let’s have a quick look at these new features:
Add Friend Widget:
New Sign-ups allow visibility of only limited feeds and thus, new users won’t get a chance to have an interactive platform until they Add New Friends. This Widget provides a new way to introduce members of the Community directly to Members Page, wherein you can easily Add New Friends, see new updates and keep yourself updated
Shimmering Effect:
More eye-soothing and attractive experience for users of the Community! In replacement to existing Loading Bar, we have introduced an obtrusive loading screen i.e Shimmering Effect in the pages till the Contents are loaded allowing more engaging experience to users.
Image Compression:
Smartphones these days are equipped with great cameras resulting in images of high-resolution and large dimension, hence occupy larger storage space. Image compression reduces the size of an image file before posting in the app, without causing degradation to its quality. Below are the benefits this enhancement offer:
- - Quick Image upload or download in the App
- - Consume less storage space at the server
- - Quick loading of feeds
Get these Amazing Features for your iOS Mobile Apps now:
All these new features implemented in the recent app upgrade will add a great impact on your community in numerous ways. Get these features in your iOS Mobile App and see your community grow. Hurry up and get your App Upgraded or Renew the Support Plan now if not active
Check out this Amazing enhancement in our iOS Mobile App
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