
New Enhancements in Directory / Pages Plugin

Monday October 3, 2011   |   News & Updates , Plugin Upgrades   |   0 Comments

SocialEngineAddOns has again come up with some new features in "Directory / Pages Plugin". As this plugin is being used in numerous effective and varied manners on different social communities, it feels even more exciting to add up to its existing features.

The many useful features that we have added to this plugin are based on suggestions received and our internal discussions:

1) 3rd Level Categories for Pages: When it comes to maintaining a directory on your community, it is very essential to organize it properly in a hierarchical order. As your community grows, and with it the number of directory items / pages grow, you are likely to find a requirement of better and deeper categorization. You can now have 3 levels of categories for the directory items / pages. With this, users will be able to search and manage Pages more effectively.

2) Activity Feeds:
a) To make media publishing on Pages more organized, the "Add Photo", "Add Video" and "Add Music" links in the status publishing box of Page activity feed updates have been connected with the "Photo Albums Extension", "Videos Extension" and "Music Extension" respectively. Thus, if any of these content is posted via the status box of a Page, they will get added to the Photos, Videos and Music tab of that Page. This can also increase content sharing on Pages of your website as the sharing process has become easier.

b) A new "Activity Feed" section in the admin panel of this plugin now makes it easier to enable the previously announced enhancements: - Page Photo and Title display instead of photo and title of Page Admin in activity feeds of Pages; - Users receiving on their homepage the activity feeds of Pages that they have liked.

3) Easier to Manage Extensions: Because of numerous plugins installed, the "Plugins" dropdown in Admin Panel of many websites became long and difficult to manage. Thus, we have now provided the option of having the admin links for Directory / Pages Extensions in the "Extensions" section of admin panel of Directory / Pages Plugin so that you have all administration links for extensions in one place and the Plugins dropdown does not become long. A new link: "Directory/Pages - Extensions" in the "Plugins" dropdown also points to this.

4) Network-wise Browsing: Networks are a very powerful feature of SocialEngine which enable you to organize your members based on profile information they have in common. Networks can be universities, organizations, countries, cities, age groups, essentially anything. This enhancement in "Directory / Pages Plugin" now enables you to make Page browsing and searching limited to the Pages belonging to users' networks. A Page can belong to either the owner's networks, or to the networks assigned by its admins, depending on the setting chosen by you.

5) "Categorically Popular Pages" widget: This new attractive widget will let you display category-wise the most popular Pages on your site. You can choose the criteria for popularity from likes, views, etc and the duration for consideration of popularity.

We have more exciting things coming up and we hope you enjoy these enhancements! You can provide your suggestion to us for feature enhancements and new ideas from here: .
