Contact Group Owners Extension for Groups / Communities Plugin enables you to quickly reach out to all the Admins of Groups on your site via 2 effective channels: Emails and Messages. Outgoing emails can be made rich and attractive to match your site's theme and brand identity. Messages can have media attachments. Such communication serves multiple purposes like sharing tips to more effectively use Groups on your website, introducing new features of Groups to your users, motivating users to keep their Groups updated and active on your website, and so on.
Contact Group Owners Extension enables you to quickly reach out to all the Admins of Groups on your site via 2 channels: Emails and Messages. Using this Plugin is very easy. The outgoing emails can be made rich and attractive to match your site's theme. Also, messages can be made better with media attachments.
This tool enables you to either contact all Group Admins at once or selectively contact them by choosing certain Packages and / or Categories.
- This tool for Groups serves various purposes that would enhance activity in your community:
- You can use this tool to communicate to users about tips to more effectively use Groups on your website.
- Inform users about new features added to Groups.
- SocialEngineAddOns is regularly releasing new extensions and enhancements in "Groups / Communities Plugin" and this tool can help you to inform your users about them as you make these features available on your website.
- Can be a great way to motivate users to keep their Groups updated and active on your website.
- Enables you to send emails out to all of the Admins of Groups on your website.
- Emails are sent out using a queue system. This prevnts any undue load on your server and is good for your site's performance.
- Integrated with SocialEngine's in-built email system which supports two email sending modes: Direct Sending and through SMTP Servers.
- An email will be sent to Site Admin when all emails have been sent.
- Various aspects of outgoing emails can be customized to match your site's theme and brand identity:
- Email template header color and text.
- Email content outer background color.
- Site Title in emails.
- WYSIWYG Editor enables adding rich content to outgoing emails.
- Emails can be sent to Group Admins in the following manner:
- To All Group Admins.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Categories.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Packages.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Packages and Categories.
- To Group Admins of Featured Groups.
- To Group Admins of Sponsored Groups.
- To Group Admins of Open / Closed Groups.
- Site Admin can first send out a test email to his account to check email's content and template, before sending it to the Group Admins.
- Enables you to send messages out to all of the Admins of Groups on your website.
- Messages can contain attachments of following types:
- Photo
- Video
- Music
- Link
- Messages can be sent to Group Admins in the following manner:
- To All Group Admins.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Categories.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Packages.
- To Selected Group Admins based on Group Packages and Categories.
- To Group Admins of Featured Groups.
- To Group Admins of Sponsored Groups.
- To Group Admins of Open / Closed Groups.
- Email notifications for new message received will be sent to the Group Admins.
- Email Settings enables Site Admin to select colors for email template header background, title text and email body outer background, to match site's theme and brand identity.
- Unlimited number of emails and messages can be sent to the Group Admins on your site.
- Easy to use.
The following are the requirements for this plugin:
- This plugin is an extension of the Groups / Communities Plugin and thus that plugin must be installed.